Sunday, February 28, 2016

God Is Good

Today and always!!! 
Another week has come and gone! So many things happened this week! Let's share a few!

Monday- I was able to go to the Provo City Center Temple Open House with my family!  This was the first time I'd gone with all of them so it was a neat experience to be there with them and also my best friend! :) I love that temple so much and I can't wait to attend the dedication and then go and do temple work for those who have died without having it done for themselves! It will be such a glorious experience!!
My family and I at the Provo City Center Temple Open House! (Kaleb likes to make faces..)

Tuesday- My best friend and I decided that we wanted to start having weekly "council" with each other. Our goal for these councils every week is to get each other's schedules for the week, okay plans with our parents and friends, and also discuss any other items such as blessings from the week, or reoccurring problems (and come up with solutions!) We make goals for the week and we pray together for specific help to accomplish these goals and serve others. It is a great way for us to come unto our Heavenly Father together and "get on the same page". I love it!

Wednesday- I had a surprise visit from a friend in the ward. She is doing a challenge to visit members of our ward and see if there is anything she can do to help, and she thought of me. She is so kind and I'm so thankful for her smile and the way she is ALWAYS thinking of others. When I think of people I want to be like someday: she is definitely one of them! She brought me one of my favorite treats (chocolate coconut covered almonds!!!) and we sat and visited. She is awesome!! Thank you for making my day and for caring so genuinely about me!

Thursday- Now this is where things get really interesting.. It was after dinner and we were all minding our own business when my brother came in and told us he heard a noise in one of our military trucks and asked my dad to investigate it. My dad did so and upon doing this he found what we thought was a cat, then guessed it was a skunk, then realized it was a RACCOON!! And let me tell you: it was the size of a medium sized dog!! It was HUGE! So then our whole night (3 hours worth) was spent trying to catch this crazy animal without getting attacked! It was quite the adventure but I know that we were kept safe because of the prayers we said in our hearts, and maybe on our own quietly to ourselves, that nothing bad happened. It was definitely a night for the books! Family bonding time well spent! ;)
Our menacing little raccoon "friend" ;)

Friday- My cute little sister decided to help out one of the students I help at school by giving him all her box tops because he accidentally threw his away. It was hard for her to give up what she wanted but when she saw how happy it made him she was over joyed! Teaching her little lessons like this and getting to watch her joy of helping others, even when it's hard for her to give up what she wants, is such a great experience. So then we went out to ice cream to celebrate service!
We enjoy yummy cake batter ice cream! 

My best friend and I decided that for date night we would go to the temple and do some temple work there in the sacred house of the Lord. Our friend was visiting for a few days so we invited him to tag along. Inside the temple I always pray that Heavenly Father will teach me the things He needs me to know at the time. This time I was reading about some things that at first I thought were sorta random- but found out that night they were exactly what I needed. Heavenly Father always has a way of preparing us and helping us through. He is truly all knowing and He truly loves us.
After the temple my best friend treated us to dinner at one of my favorite places: Magelby's Fresh!

Saturday- My best friend came over and helped me hang things up in my new room! Now my room is officially done! :) I love it! (Thank you to all who helped me!!)
We went to the ward adult dinner that night and we laughed a lot and enjoyed good food and great company. I love my ward!
Then we went to Swig! (Yes I love that place a lot!) and enjoyed watching a movie with my best friend's siblings. It was tons of fun!
That night we also had the opportunity to have a heart felt talk about things that had happened during the week. I love these talks as we feel the spirit together and we confide in each other our biggest fears and hopes and dreams. The Spirit is truly amazing.

Sunday (today!)- I partook of the sacrament and I was able to feel the spirit and learn today from speakers and teachers and it was simply refreshing to be at church today.

This week I learned some lessons: (I guess they are still being learned- I mostly just realized things..)
1. I can either get really harsh and critical- which is just hurting me and others, or I can smile and think positively and I can be happy: hopefully bringing others to be happier too.
2. I can either fuel the fire by being upset, or I can take what I have and be grateful and help others with what I already have.
3. Positive thinking is what pulls me through.
4. (I always am reminded of this)

I just want to say that I know that who I am becoming today is who I will be forever. So pay attention to how you treat others, the things you say and do, and ask yourself: "IS THIS WHO I WANT TO BE FOREVER?" And if the answer is no: let's get changing together shall we? We all have room to improve and I testify the Lord will help us if we will just ask Him. "For someone who can create worlds without number (fill in the blank with what you want to change) is easy to fix." but only if we are willing to change, and change EVERY day of our lives. I know He loves us. Stay happy and positive. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. I love you, and I know He loves you. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Love, Samantha

*Bonus picture! This is Abbie and I last Sunday evening when we made cookies for our family!
PB cup cookies! 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

I made it!

It's been another week... I'm surprised I made it through. HOLY COW! What a roller coaster ride of emotions this week. But here I am! Not a lot happened this week, so I'll share what did!

Tuesday: My pet fish died :( So that night I went to the pet store and got a new one! I named him Fireball! :)
This is Fireball! :) 

Wednesday: I started my new job at the elementary school! And oh boy I love it so much! Those kids are so sweet and I love helping them learn- seeing the light and joy in their eyes when they finally understand something is just the best feeling ever. They are the cutest and some of them are already sharing their favorite things with me. They are SO cute! I defiantly have the best job in the world!!
I also ended my counseling on Wednesday. I'm glad I was able to go and learn, but I'm glad I'm done- I feel I am finally going somewhere with things.

Thursday- After I got back from work my mom took me to Chick-Fil-A!! :) I love that place :) It was an awesome unexpected adventure for us.
I also had the opportunity to go and help my best friend with a school Photo assignment- which at first I wasn't too excited for, but it ended up being tons of fun! My best friend always knows how to turn my day around. I love him!

Friday- I didn't want to cook dinner but didn't want to go out and get anything so my best friend decided to surprise me and brought home some of my favorite dinner from Kneaders and set up an at home movie night for us so we could just relax and watch our favorite TV show. It was so sweet of him!

Saturday- I cleaned the house with my mom, and then we went out to my cousin's house at night so my dad could help them with a remodel! My best friend came and we had Chinese take out and we just laughed and had a great time! (Oh on our way out I convinced my best friend to get me my favorite Swig smoothie!! Which I have been wanting for FOREVER! and on the rest of the drive up we were singing our favorite songs and laughing and the sun was shining and it was GREAT!!)
I convinced him to get me this smoothie and then I was nice enough to share ;) haha!
Now we are here today. After church my mom and sisters and I were invited with our ward sisters to go to the Provo City Center Temple private showing of the Bridal Rooms. It was AWESOME! I cannot wait to be married and sealed for all time and eternity in that glorious and beautiful temple. It's gorgeous and the promises my Husband and I will make with our divine Savior and Father will be the most important promises for us and our family. I'm so excited!
Sorry the sun was in our eyes! But here we are after the tour!

See? Not a lot happened this week! But a LOT was learned. One of the biggest lessons I learned this week is Kindness always wins.  Think before you speak.
I'm not going to share examples from my life for fear of offending others, so I will just say: council with the Lord in all your doings, and treat others the way He would treat them. Christ loves all people and we should too- even when it's hard. and we need to learn to listen and to not be offended so easily. Give others the benefit of the doubt and don't judge. You have not walked in someone else's shoes, so just breathe and give other's the benefit of the doubt and be happy. We all have enough to worry about, so let's not give each other more to worry about. Let others learn and grow and BE HAPPY!!

I just want you to know I love my Savior and no matter what happens, as long as I'm doing my best: He will be by my side and He will help me, love me, and so much more. I know with Him by my side I will never be alone, lost, or forgotten. I know with Him I can do all things. I love Him with all my heart!
I know the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is true! I hope and pray that you can find this truth for yourself too! I know He loves you and you are not forgotten. Don't give up- hard times will pass! I love you and so does He! In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen
Love, Samantha

Sunday, February 14, 2016

A Week of Tender Mercies

Hello my dear blog readers! 
How was your week?! I hope it was as delightful as mine, and if not: Hey! We've got a new week ahead and I'm sure it will be better! :) Just always remember whom your blessings come from and whom is our biggest advocate and cheerleader! Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ LOVE YOU!
Well let's get this post started shall we? I just want to say- this week was FULL of tender mercies!! I am full of gratitude and love for everything our Heavenly Father does for us. I know that looking for, writing down, and giving thanks for our tender mercies/ small and simple blessings helps us see life through the eyes of our Father, it helps us to look for ways for be a tender mercy for others, and it helps us to be happier! I want to challenge you to look for, write down, and give thanks for the tender mercies you see in your life every single day- it really will change your life and help you in so many ways! So let's get this post started! 

Monday- My amazing mom bought me 2 essential oils to try, which I didn't really think would help that much: but oh my goodness yes they do help more than I thought! I got Lavender and Peppermint oils- and they help me with my headaches and relaxation so I can sleep at night! I love them! 
Also one of my sweet friends was getting rid of clothes and shoes so she invited me over to pick out what I wanted- which was awesome cause I needed some flat shoes, and some cardigan shirts: but I don't have much money so I wasn't going to get anything anytime soon. Well guess what she was getting rid of?? Shoes and cardigans! I was set. She let me take as much/many as I wanted and it was SUCH a blessing. I am so thankful for giving friends who always think of others! Love you guys! 
Also on Monday- I had the amazing opportunity to visit the open house of the Provo City Center Temple. It was miraculous. I loved it! Thank you to my friends for taking me! :) I cannot wait to go here and do work for those who have passed on without it. Families are Forever because of these amazing temples! 
Provo City Center Temple 

Provo City Center Temple  
My best friend and I :) 

Tuesday- I knew I needed to go to the temple. I didn't however know how I was going to get there or if I'd have enough time. I promised my councilor I'd get to the temple before our next appt. (which is Wed. mornings) so today was my last shot. Monday night I felt very strongly I needed to go to the temple on Tuesday. I told Heavenly Father: "Okay- I want to go- but I'm not sure what's going on or if I'd have a car to get there. If I'm supposed to be there: please provide a way." 
Tuesday morning I woke up and my mom came down to see what I was going to do that day. She let me know that the only plans she had was folding laundry. (My mom is a very busy mom so the fact that she only had to fold laundry was awesome- maybe she could drop me off.) I told her I wanted to go to the temple, and she said "Well do you want to go? I'll go with you and we can see if Grandma wants to go too?" I was SO excited! YES! I told her and we quickly changed and got down to the temple. I wasn't sure why I was supposed to go that day- but I saw some friends that I thought "Maybe they needed to see me here today"Well, as the ceramonies I participated in went on- I had the opportunity to sit quietly and read my scriptures next to my mom and grandma. I didn't know where to read or what to read so I said "Heavenly Father I don't even know what I need any more, I'm not sure why I needed to be here today, but you do. Please take me where I need to be today." I opened my scriptures and I was in Alma 26. I didn't want to read a whole chapter- but felt if I would just start it I would know what I needed too. Verses 3-7 were exactly what I needed from Heavenly Father. 

" ... And this is the blessing which hath been bestowed upon us, that we have been made instruments in the hands of God to bring about this great work.

 4 Behold, thousands of them do rejoice, and have been brought into the fold of God.

 5 Behold, the field was ripe, and blessed are ye, for ye did thrust in the sickle, and did reap with your might, yea, all the day long did ye labor; and behold the number of your sheaves! And they shall be gathered into the garners, that they are not wasted.

 6 Yea, they shall not be beaten down by the storm at the last day; yea, neither shall they be harrowed up by the whirlwinds; but when the storm cometh they shall be gathered together in their place, that the storm cannot penetrate to them; yea, neither shall they be driven with fierce winds whithersoever the enemy listeth to carry them.

 7 But behold, they are in the hands of the Lord of the harvest, and they are his; and he will raise them up at the last day." (Emphasis added)

I was reminded that I had given The Lord everything I could- He accepted it and now I needed too. I answered the call to go, and I gave my all- I thrust in the sickle, I labored with all my might, I did reap with all my might, and I sure did plant seeds. Even if all I see right now is the dirt, I know those seeds are there and so does The Lord and someday they WILL grow. My efforts were not wasted. I did the work He called me to do, and now it is in the hands of The Lord. I have to trust Him. This was an answer to all my prayers for weeks. The Lord truly is merciful. If I did not go to the temple that day- I probably still wouldn't have my answer: and it's all because of my amazing mom who followed the voice of the Spirit and took me to the temple. I love Her and her amazing example. Thank you mom.
Provo Temple With my mom and Grandma! 

Wednesday- I went to the dental lab to clean and guess what!? I got all my work done! I got to spend time with my best friend, and we watched one of my favorite TV shows. Abbie- my little sister- saw I was stressed out so she wrote me a little encouraging note and left it on my bed with some chocolate. She is so cute! I also got a sweet letter from one of my missionary sister friends!! I was so happy to hear from her! 
Abbie's sweet note and chocolate 

A letter from one of my favorite sister missionaries! 

Thursday- I did work from home for my uncle and grandpa and I got a whole entire file done (which takes 5 hours!) I was SO happy. Then my mom ordered some of my favorite pizza! After dinner my siblings decided to help me get things ready for my Valentines surprise for my best friend. We had to blow up 72 balloons and cut out paper hearts. It was so fun and I'm so thankful they helped or else it would have taken FOREVER! That night when I was reading my scriptures I felt prompted to start reading the Book Of Mormon again so I did! I love it! 
Wade- my little bro- helping blow up balloons! 

Friday- I woke up, and cleaned the dance studio. 
I was with my mom all day and at 2:56 PM my mom saw an email from the elementary school my sister attends; they were hiring for a part time position! It was perfect for me, so we ran to the school and I asked them about it and they HIRED ME ON THE SPOT!!! :) I was SO excited! I almost cried. This was such a blessing because I was asking Heavenly Father about another job that I really thought would be amazing- but something kept holding me back. So when this opportunity came up I felt so blessed and nothing was holding me back. Heavenly Father really knows what's best for us! :) 
That night my best friend took me out to dinner, but we had to pick pizza up for his siblings first. As we walked in and saw how extremely busy it was I was sad because it was already late (for me) and I was starving. They said one of their ovens were broken, so it'd be a while. We ordered anyway knowing we told the kids we'd bring them food and not knowing where else to go. As soon as we ordered we were looking for a place to wait when the person we ordered from said: "Oh wait- we have an extra of the pizza you want!" It was like someone else ordered for us before we got there. It was AWESOME! 
Then we went to one my favorite places: ZUPAS!! and he even said I could order dessert! I was so excited! Then we went home and we watched one of my favorite movies while we ate my favorite food. It was AWESOME! It was all over an awesome day! 
I recruited helpers to decorate! 

"Can we take a picture of our help?" -the kiddos 

Completed with a new stuffed animal, a letter, lots of hearts and lots of balloons! 

"Bee my Valentine?" :) 

I think he liked it! :) 

Our awesome Zupa's dinner with a movie at home! 

Saturday- My little brother won his basketball game!! My best friend and I were able to change our plans from going to the local Aquarium, which kept off the roads that there were really bad accidents on yesterday so we were kept safe!! Every single morning my best friend and I pray together for safety and today our prayers were most definitely answered and we knew it! 
Also I woke up to Valentine's surprises: my favorite chocolates, fake colorful daises! (I wanted fake ones so I could keep them in my new room forever!) He also took me out to dinner and gave me a stuffed animal. Then we got to watch a fun movie with my family. It ended up being a great day- even when I didn't think it would be. 
Couples Yoga after Olive Garden.. I think I hurt him. haha ;) 

Peach smoothies for our movie! 

My sweet gift from my Valentine! :) 

Sunday- I got to have a Steak dinner with my family! and my best friend was able to join us! It's our special valentines gift from our mom, and she gets us all stuffed animals and our favorite ice cream! I love this dinner, and I'm so thankful I was able to be with my best friend and family. :) Then one of other Best Friends brought me flowers and Cadburry eggs! They are my favorite so I was so excited to get those from her! So far it's been a great day! 

Well, that wraps it up for the week! Definitely full of Tender Mercies and learning to be happy even when things don't go as planned. I always tell myself "Trust the Lord. He does know what He's doing and He sees the whole picture even though I only see this small portion." 
Every week I am more and more thankful for my family and best friend. I don't know what I'd do without them. I am so truly blessed- and I am so thankful that I see that now. When I first came home I didn't see it, because I was so focused on me, and everything that was "wrong" with me. But now that I am choosing to seek for help, view things eternally, and try harder every day: I can be happy and I see my wonderful blessings! I am so thankful for all of you who have helped me thus far and I'm really excited to see where this journey takes us! I hope that I can help you too when you are struggling. I love you all! 

Remember- I am not perfect! This week was not perfect, but for me: it was fabulous because I chose to look for the good. Remember the way we view our adversities lies solely inside of us. No one chooses our attitude but ourselves: what are you choosing? 

I know I can't do without Heavenly Father, my Savior and the amazing Atonement of Jesus Christ. Don't be afraid to use it too. You need it. I love you all and I know They love you personally and more than you can imagine. Don't give up! They are always there for you. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Sunday, February 7, 2016

What a week! But I made it!

He knows the plan! Listen to Him!

This was a CRAZY week! Let's talk about busy! So let's get started!

Although this week was busy, I don't have a ton of time to write today so I'm going to try and stick to the Tender Mercies and I'll explain hardships of the week if necessary and as fast as I can! (plus I like to count blessings more than count trials! ;) ) 

Monday- Remember how I got my results back from my blood work? Well that's why I went back to the doctor- to discuss medications.. which I did not want because I felt I was fighting my battle well enough without them! (I want you to know I am not against meds, and I know they can be extremely helpful and necessary! I am totally okay with meds if that's what it comes to but I just want to try my other options first!) So anyway, the doctor suggested different meds and told me the choice was mine to make and to let her know my decision when I made it. I got home that night and I had the best conversation ever with my aunt! She has been through a lot in her life and she has come out on top, so I wanted to ask her for advice and what not. We talked for about an hour and we had a very spiritually uplifting conversation. It was perfect for what I needed that night. I am so blessed!! 

Tuesday- I had a surprise visit from my aunt!! I was so excited! I was having a rough day and just felt depressed, when I got a text from my aunt "I'm coming down to your house, do you have time to chat for a little bit?" I almost cried tears of joy! I was SO exited. I hadn't seen my aunt since I got home and I really wanted to see her! She came over and we had a great conversation again, this time with my parents and we just laughed and shared testimony. I LOVE family time! It helps everything come back to where I feel it should be :) 

Wednesday- I had counseling, and we had such a great conversation we went over my time a little bit, and then I had time to talk to my mom about it as well. It was great! 
Then my sweet visiting teacher came over and she let me talk to her as well. We talked and laughed and it was a great visit. I love her! 
That afternoon I had the opportunity to help one of my great friends with her volunteer work at the elementary school. It was great to be able to help her and spend time serving others and talking with her. She's amazing! 

First, I made pumpkin Chocolate chip cookies and shared them with loved ones and friends. 
Second, I got to make missionary packages and sent them to my friends in the MTC. (I know now, on a different level that packages and letters when you are a missionary are literally CHRISTMAS all over again!)
Third,  I GOT NEW CARPET FOR MY NEW ROOM!!! AND I MOVED BACK INTO MY NEW ROOM WITH MY NEW BED!!! That was the best night of my whole week. My carpet was sooooo pretty (to me) and my new bed was gorgeous and all the bedding worked and looked so much better than I thought it would! Everything was just GREAT! and well worth the wait. I feel like I can go in there and relax and conquer any problems! 
Making cookies! 


Early valentine's missionary packages!

making packages! 

Friday- I had the opportunity to surprise my best friend at lunch with his mom and aunt. 
Then we surprised him with a rented LIMO for his birthday! (His birthday is actually today- Sunday- but we wanted to celebrate all weekend) We drove all over town and it was great to just hang out with his family and just do something fun and unique!
Limo rides!

Saturday- I was swapped! I was throwing my best friend a surprise party that night with his closest friends, and I was making them dinner- which meant I had to cook, clean, decorate, distract, etc. all day long! It was CRAZY! I made so much food. (teenage boys..) I was so busy so my life saving sister offered to make a cake I promised my best friend for his birthday. That was such a blessing and I am soooo grateful for her. I have no idea what I would do without her!
Birthday surprise for my Best Friend!

Clues that led him to the surprise 

Other things I want share this week: 
I was very overwhelmed with my headaches and not knowing what to do, fighting my anxiety, and trying to stay happy. I asked my friends and family what their suggestions were for such things and I got overwhelming responses of love and support. It was AMAZING. I just want to publicly thank every one for their support. I know at times I can be very trying and difficult but I am so thankful that Heavenly Father sent you to be an angel in my life. As I work through my trials I hope I can help you the way you are helping me. I know we are all working on getting back home to our Father and Savior and it is not easy. It is a path full of trials, pain and suffering; but also a path full of love, light, and hope. Thank you for helping me see that and find that during my difficult times. 
Above all this week I learned that being positive, having eternal perspective and learning patience is KEY. I need to count my blessings, and REMEMBER them. Writing things down does something to our brain that helps us remember it. (So I write EVERY thing now.) And also- I need to focus on my mission at home. I cannot sit around and wait to "be better" I've got to get out there and make myself better by serving others and reaching out as I did before my mission. I can still be a missionary and I need to be. 

I also want you to know that I love the Savior. He brings peace that is indescribable because of the suffering He went through for my sake so that I never have to be alone. That knowledge has gotten me through to this point and it continues to do so every day. I am SO thankful that I am not alone nor will I ever be no matter how much the world tries to tell me I am- I simply am not alone because of HIM. He felt everything I am and ever will feel and I am so grateful and eternally indebted to Him for that. 

I love you all and I love this gospel with all my heart. Thank you again for everything you do for me and my family. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen 
Love, Samantha