Sunday, February 28, 2016

God Is Good

Today and always!!! 
Another week has come and gone! So many things happened this week! Let's share a few!

Monday- I was able to go to the Provo City Center Temple Open House with my family!  This was the first time I'd gone with all of them so it was a neat experience to be there with them and also my best friend! :) I love that temple so much and I can't wait to attend the dedication and then go and do temple work for those who have died without having it done for themselves! It will be such a glorious experience!!
My family and I at the Provo City Center Temple Open House! (Kaleb likes to make faces..)

Tuesday- My best friend and I decided that we wanted to start having weekly "council" with each other. Our goal for these councils every week is to get each other's schedules for the week, okay plans with our parents and friends, and also discuss any other items such as blessings from the week, or reoccurring problems (and come up with solutions!) We make goals for the week and we pray together for specific help to accomplish these goals and serve others. It is a great way for us to come unto our Heavenly Father together and "get on the same page". I love it!

Wednesday- I had a surprise visit from a friend in the ward. She is doing a challenge to visit members of our ward and see if there is anything she can do to help, and she thought of me. She is so kind and I'm so thankful for her smile and the way she is ALWAYS thinking of others. When I think of people I want to be like someday: she is definitely one of them! She brought me one of my favorite treats (chocolate coconut covered almonds!!!) and we sat and visited. She is awesome!! Thank you for making my day and for caring so genuinely about me!

Thursday- Now this is where things get really interesting.. It was after dinner and we were all minding our own business when my brother came in and told us he heard a noise in one of our military trucks and asked my dad to investigate it. My dad did so and upon doing this he found what we thought was a cat, then guessed it was a skunk, then realized it was a RACCOON!! And let me tell you: it was the size of a medium sized dog!! It was HUGE! So then our whole night (3 hours worth) was spent trying to catch this crazy animal without getting attacked! It was quite the adventure but I know that we were kept safe because of the prayers we said in our hearts, and maybe on our own quietly to ourselves, that nothing bad happened. It was definitely a night for the books! Family bonding time well spent! ;)
Our menacing little raccoon "friend" ;)

Friday- My cute little sister decided to help out one of the students I help at school by giving him all her box tops because he accidentally threw his away. It was hard for her to give up what she wanted but when she saw how happy it made him she was over joyed! Teaching her little lessons like this and getting to watch her joy of helping others, even when it's hard for her to give up what she wants, is such a great experience. So then we went out to ice cream to celebrate service!
We enjoy yummy cake batter ice cream! 

My best friend and I decided that for date night we would go to the temple and do some temple work there in the sacred house of the Lord. Our friend was visiting for a few days so we invited him to tag along. Inside the temple I always pray that Heavenly Father will teach me the things He needs me to know at the time. This time I was reading about some things that at first I thought were sorta random- but found out that night they were exactly what I needed. Heavenly Father always has a way of preparing us and helping us through. He is truly all knowing and He truly loves us.
After the temple my best friend treated us to dinner at one of my favorite places: Magelby's Fresh!

Saturday- My best friend came over and helped me hang things up in my new room! Now my room is officially done! :) I love it! (Thank you to all who helped me!!)
We went to the ward adult dinner that night and we laughed a lot and enjoyed good food and great company. I love my ward!
Then we went to Swig! (Yes I love that place a lot!) and enjoyed watching a movie with my best friend's siblings. It was tons of fun!
That night we also had the opportunity to have a heart felt talk about things that had happened during the week. I love these talks as we feel the spirit together and we confide in each other our biggest fears and hopes and dreams. The Spirit is truly amazing.

Sunday (today!)- I partook of the sacrament and I was able to feel the spirit and learn today from speakers and teachers and it was simply refreshing to be at church today.

This week I learned some lessons: (I guess they are still being learned- I mostly just realized things..)
1. I can either get really harsh and critical- which is just hurting me and others, or I can smile and think positively and I can be happy: hopefully bringing others to be happier too.
2. I can either fuel the fire by being upset, or I can take what I have and be grateful and help others with what I already have.
3. Positive thinking is what pulls me through.
4. (I always am reminded of this)

I just want to say that I know that who I am becoming today is who I will be forever. So pay attention to how you treat others, the things you say and do, and ask yourself: "IS THIS WHO I WANT TO BE FOREVER?" And if the answer is no: let's get changing together shall we? We all have room to improve and I testify the Lord will help us if we will just ask Him. "For someone who can create worlds without number (fill in the blank with what you want to change) is easy to fix." but only if we are willing to change, and change EVERY day of our lives. I know He loves us. Stay happy and positive. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. I love you, and I know He loves you. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Love, Samantha

*Bonus picture! This is Abbie and I last Sunday evening when we made cookies for our family!
PB cup cookies! 


Shauna said...

Another wonderful blog post. Thank You :)

jjlove said...

Love your quote at the end- so true :) your an inspiration to me and many others. Love ya!