Sunday, March 6, 2016

I'm In Love

Jesus loves the Little Children :)
Hello family and friends!! :)
As my subject line says: I AM IN LOVE!!! I'm in love with CHILDREN!!! As those of you who read my blog know- I just recently got a new job working at the local elementary school! And let me tell you- that job is blessing my life more than I thought possible. Being able to spend a few hours with those sweet kids every single day is seriously the highlight of my day. They are SO sweet and I learn SOOO much from them. I love them to pieces!! This week I am so thankful for them.

Some of the tender mercies I want to share this week have to do with those kids and the small simple lessons they teach me and the way they make me smile.

On Monday  I was able to spend the night with my family (Family Night!) For our activity we went to a local park that has a pond with fish and ducks and we fed the ducks! We love feeding the ducks as a family. We always have so much fun, laughing and running through the park. I love these nights I get to spend with my family.

(Skip Tuesday- I don't remember what happened that day!) ;)

Wednesday, I was able to get all the shopping done for a big project I've been working on. That was a huge relief and I also got to take my little brother with me which led to us having a good brother sister talk about school, dating, and such. (He turns 16 in 10 days so he's excited to date!) It was great to be able to help each other out and just talk!

Thursday: My best friend went to and "passed" his pre-mission evaluation!!! Which means that his mission papers will now be getting submitted for assignment within the next 2 weeks!! We are super excited for him to serve the Lord full time for two years!

Friday: (This is where the little children come into play) At work all the kids were super happy and full of energy. Which sometimes can go badly- too much energy is contagious among kids! But not today!! The kids all wanted to help with everything! They all wanted to tell me every cool thing that was happening in their life; such as- "my mom had a baby today!" "I'm writing a song for you!" "I just finished reading a book and I'm already on chapter seven of my new one!"
And then the special to my heart things they say: "Thank you for being my friend." "Can I help you wash tables?" "Did you know I think you are really pretty?" "You have cute clothes!" "Thanks for talking to me all the time." "Did you know I told my mom that you're my new best friend?" "Can I have a hug Miss Samantha?" "Thanks for keeping us safe at recess." (from the kids that know me personally cause I babysit them) "Will you come over tonight and watch a movie with me?" "You're my favorite babysitter- will you come over tonight?" etc.
Every day I go home with a smile on my face.  I LOVE THEM!!! I am SO truly blessed by them and their kind words and sweet examples.
Also on Friday we had the chance to celebrate my Brother's basketball team's season and we had a pizza party! It was super fun to be with them.

Saturday- I spent time with my older sister!
Rose and I found this cute dress we want for my dad's military events!
We went shopping and just talked and laughed and had a great time!
Then that night my family and I had our first bon fire of 2016!! I love camp fires!! They make me so happy! While everyone else had hot dogs I made a ham, cheese, and pickles sandwich cooked over the fire, and we had marshmallows and starbursts! SOO YUMMY!
My Best Friend and I around the camp fire! :) 

also- my mom made my very favorite: PEANUT BUTTER FINGERS!!
And then I got to watch Alvin and the Chipmunks with my best friend and his siblings and the youngest decided he wanted to crawl up on my lap and hold my hand while we enjoyed the movie. It was super cute!
Needless to say it was a great day!

Now today- it was fast and testimony meeting. During our the meeting a lot of the testimonies came from children. (Most of whom go to the school I work at.) It was so sweet to see these kids I work with every day- whom help me at school, share how much they love their Savior and the Prophets and the love of the gospel. I love it. They make me so happy. Of all the testimonies shared today, those were the ones that touched me the most! I always learn so much from those sweet kids. Like I said: I'm in love. They are amazing. I am SO blessed to be able to work with them every day at school.

Christ said "Become as a little child" A lot of people are confused by this- but after working with these children I am beginning to understand. Children look up to adults. They look and find adults that they want to be like someday. If this child is asked by a trusted adult to do something, they will do it no matter what: because they love this adult and they want to show them they can do what they were asked because they love them. Christ instructs us to do the same. He is the "adult" the true master of our souls and we must become as little children. We must learn to love Him and have the desire to become like Him more every day. When He asks us to do something we must be willing to submit to His will, because we TRUST & LOVE Him. Just as the Children do.

I know this is true. I know that becoming like a child is not easy. We want to be in charge and we want to do what we think is best-but we are usually not right. We need to learn that He always is right- and that if we trust Him: everything will be okay. I know He loves us and He would never lead us places that are not for our benefit, learning, and growth. I know that everything He does and asks of us is for us to become more like Him.

Coming home from my mission early- I have learned this over and over in a more unique way. As I have learned to trust the Lord- "Being led by the Spirit not knowing beforehand the things which I should do," (1 Nephi 4:6)- I have come to know my Savior, love Him and do His will in ways I have never thought I would. I thought I had a good plan for me: but the Lord has a better plan for me, even when it is a very difficult plan. Overall I have learned that if I will trust Him completely: EVERYTHING will be okay. This is not easy- and I am not perfect at it, but I am perfectly trying. He knows we are going to mess up- He knows that. We just need to know that He is not turning away from us when we make mistakes or we are having difficulty trusting His plan- rather He is turning to us more and begging us to let Him in so He can teach us His "bigger and better" plan.

Brothers and Sisters, Friends and Family, I know this is true. I want to invite you to pray to our Savior and ask Him yourself for help to be more like Him; and to become His Child being led by the Spirit. I know He will guide you. I want you to know I am praying for you- even if I don't know your name I am praying for you and I know the Lord is very mindful of you. Never give up. He loves you too. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Thank you for teaching me about how more to become as a little child. Speaking of my own little guy Sam. He changed my email google account to Deadlox Gaming. I learned that if you change it up to 3 times you have to wait 90 days for the change, which he must have done. FYI, I am not a gamer and ya..
