Sunday, April 17, 2016

Temple, Calendars, Callings, Craziness!

Don't give up! You are forming your happily ever after today!

Holy Goodness! Life is BUSY!! This is why I love what Jordan said this week: " I am so grateful I'm a part of this gospel. I would be LOST without it." It's so true. Without the faith and trust we both have in the Lord we would have given up on our craziness a looonnngggg time ago. We seriously cling to the knowledge that if we will follow Him and do His will everything will work out. Without that knowledge and desire to serve Him- it's like we are wandering in a dark forest without a flashlight and that is scary. 

Well we have some exciting news we want to share! 
Samantha was officially called as a temple worker in the Provo Temple! She will be working on Wednesday nights in the Baptistery from 7:45-11pm! (Come visit!) She got set apart on Saturday April 16, 2016 and serves her first day on Wednesday April 20, 2016! She is SO excited to serve in the house of the Lord. This is such a sacred calling for her. 
Samantha right after being set apart as a Temple Worker :) 

Samantha also got called to another calling! She is now a primary teacher in the Nursery. She loves little children so she is excited about this one too! She started that today and already loves all those kids. She feels so blessed because she gets to be with kids all week at her job then again on Sundays to teach the tiny ones! :)

Heavenly Father really knows us personally and guides us to the places where He knows our talents are needed, also to the palaces where we will learn the lessons He needs us too while developing the beautiful gifts and talents He has blessed us with. 

Today Jordan and I looked at the calendar and noticed that every single weekend till he leaves on his mission (and even some after that) are BOOKED!! Looks like date nights are being kissed goodbye a little sooner than we expected! :( But it's okay because almost every single one of those "bookings" are things with out families. (vacations, volunteer work, a wedding, graduations, etc.) So at least we will be with most important people in our lives: FAMILIES! :) Jordan and I love our families SO much. They are amazing. 

Amid Jordan getting ready to leave, and me working in the temple: Satan hates us quite a bit lately. He tries ever so hard to get us into trouble. Not like big trouble we've discovered; because we were prepared for that, so he tries to sneak in our lives in very sneaky ways: arguing, doubt, skipping a service day, feeling sad for ourselves, having a bad attitude, etc. and then that leads to bigger problems. See Satan knows if he can just sneak his way in he can plant seeds of doubt which when acted upon grow into thrones which attack our flowers of faith, hope, and love. We need to learn to cast out the bad seeds and only plant and nourish good seeds: seeds that will lead us up- to our Heavenly Home together. As Elder Uchtdorf once said: "Sandwiched between their once upon a time and their happily ever after they all had to experience great adversity... your wondrous story has already begun. Your once upon a time is now!" How true! :) I love the prophets and apostles:) 
We believe the best way to live and prepare for our happily ever after is by attending the temple together! :) 

I just want to share this 5 minute video with you about overcoming adversity- and I hope it helps you! It's called "Mountains to Climb". Watch Video here

I know we all have trials. Jordan has them, I have them, you have them. We all have our own personal mountains to climb. But you do not have to do it alone. I don't know what your mountain looks like- but the Savior does. He climbed that mountain for you already, so now He can carry you. You keep trying. Don't you give up. Don't listen to Satan's lies- only listen to God's love and hope. You are His divine child. Together, hand in hand we can lift each other and make it back to Him. 

This is my testimony and I know it is true. You are not alone or forgotten. No matter how crazy this life gets, no matter where you are, what you look like, what your job is, what car you do or do not drive, or what religion you are: you are His and He loves you perfectly no matter what. So come to Him. You do not need to be perfect- just perfectly trying. 

Well Jordan and I love you loads! Do not give up. We will continue to share our stories and mission experiences as they occur. We hope you share yours too! Those missionary moments, those answered or even unanswered prayers, that hope you have: that is your testimony. Cling to it and never let it dim. Hold up the light you have and it will grow. Of this we leave our witness and testimony, In our Savior's holy name, Amen. 

Have a great day everyone! You deserve it! (oh Ps. Mother's day is in just 3 short weeks! Don't forget to thank the women in your lives and show them your love and heartfelt appreciation for all they do!) Loves! 

Love, Samantha and Jordan:) 

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