Wednesday, April 13, 2016

It's only been 4 days..

Hey Guys!

It's funny, when I changed the blog so that I wasn't updated every Sunday, everyday I find myself saying "I want to update the blog and put this and this and this on it!" hahaha! It's sorta like a journal, so welcome to our life!!

Before I get started I wanted to say- I will be posting Jordan's general weekly email for his mission, but it will mostly be the adventures I'm having while he's out serving the Lord, along with my temple experiences. This is literally a blog for us (mainly me) to share our thoughts and lessons we learn during this time of our lives.

So in the past few days, Jordan and I have made some goals of things we want to do before he goes on his mission.
1- Weekly Temple Attendance (Thank you to our dear friends Courtney and Jake for inspiring us yet again! We love you!!)
2- We are doing a 21 day service challenge. (It started Monday and goes till May 1) We will be doing different things each day to serve someone and strengthen our relationship with our Savior and those we serve. Along with that we will focusing more on what we can do to make our temple worship more sacred and meaningful. (Join us!)
3- We want to serve our families more diligently, especially our siblings!

Our upcoming blog posts will be about the things we do for these goals. So let me share with you one that touched my heart.

On Tuesday, I skipped our morning work-outs and I felt bad about it; so the day wasn't starting out as well as I had hoped. When I got to work, I had a lot on my mind (with Jordan's mission call sinking in and what not). Upon arriving- I reported to the teacher I was to help for the day and they let me know that I needed to fix some work I'd done a few weeks earlier. They were very kind about it, I just felt awful about it, and now I was behind on things I needed to do for them. Then at lunch one of the children threw up and I cleaned it up. It wasn't bad at all- especially since I've worked in Healthcare, I've seen MUCH worse. Although it wasn't bad, it put me behind on cleaning up tables and getting the other children out to recess. I just wanted to go home and cry.
As I went to the office to pick up my stuff and clock out, one of my co-workers handed me a folded up paper and said "Samantha this was left for you." I knew it was from Jordan ;) I was going to wait and read it at home but decided I needed to read it as I walked home. I got no further than out the front doors of the school when I read "Samantha, meet me at the park for a sweet picnic. Love, your Love" I started to cry. I had told Jordan weeks earlier that a picnic after work on a sunny day would be so fun, and he remembered. I wasn't sure how to find him in the huge park full of people, but then I saw him, he started to run towards me and he picked me up in a huge hug and I cried some more. Then we walked hand in hand over to where the picnic was set up. I thought he had just made some PB&J's, but nope! He went to Zupas and got my favorites! (He's so good at remembering!) I cried again. (Yes I'm a crier- and with everything that was going on in my mind this was just heaven sent.) We sat and talked for an hour while eating.
When I asked why he decided to do this today- of all day, with no special occasion, he replied "The Spirit told me." Awwwwww if that isn't precious I don't know what is. Find me something more attractive than a young man listening to the promptings of the spirit. I dare you. (you won't) ;) Jordan is AMAZING!
The note :) 

My cutie and ZUPAS!! 

Well, that's about it! We are just working on getting Jordan all ready to go and I'm excited for my temple interview on Saturday! But I just wanted to end with my testimony that following the spirit blesses lives. Jordan didn't know that I needed a "pick me up" that day, but Heavenly Father did, so He had the Spirit prompt Jordan to do this tiny little thing for me, and it changed my whole day. It is something I will never forget. You can do that for someone too!!! Just pray for help to find the one who needs you today and don't be afraid to reach out to them when you feel the Spirit nudge you to do something. You'll know what to do. Even if it's just a simple smile or a simple note. Little things change lives and that changes the world. You can do it!
watch: Have I Done Any Good In The World Today?
What good have you done today?
Have a great day! Talk to you soon!

Love, Samantha & Jordan:)

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