Sunday, July 21, 2013

4-Wheeling and the gospel

Yesterday I went 4-wheeling with my family. We went to a new place this time so the area was very unfamiliar to me. However, my dad had been here before. The first thing we do when we go somewhere new is my dad takes the older kids (the drivers) out to show them where they can and cannot go. As my dad led the way, I drove behind him. As I was driving I was thinking about the beautiful world that God created for us to live in. (I think Utah's canyons are especially beautiful.) As we drove on, I would sometimes loose sight of my dad. This would scare me, as I didn't know where I was. My dad had given me a compass before we left and he told me if I got lost to go south until I found the main road and they would find me there. This brought me comfort, knowing that my dad would not leave me unprepared, and that he cared that I was safe and knew how to get back home. When I could see my dad's shinny helmet and bright shirt in the distance, after not seeing him for a long time, I would rejoice silently that I had found the way again. This whole situation happened to be quite a thoughtful and learning experience for me. As I would drive trying to catch up to my dad I was reminded of when I had been told that: "If you make mistakes and feel God getting farther away from your 'home', are you going to go and sit in your 'window' and watch him get farther away? Or are you going to run out to him and say sorry and ask him to come back 'home' with you?" I choose to run. I don't want my Heavenly Father to be far away, just like I didn't want my earthly father to be far away when we were 4-wheeling. I want to bear my testimony that I KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that God will forgive you of your mistakes if you only come to him with a broken heart and willing spirit to be forgiven. No matter the sin, no matter how big or small, he will forgive you. He will love you. He ALWAYS loves his children, and each and every one of you reading this, and every person on this earth is his child. He also provides us with earthly "compasses" so that we can get back to him. Our compass to guide us home (back to him in Heaven) is the Book Of Mormon. It is true and will lead and guide us to the right way. Even if we get off path, like I could have done on the 4-wheeler, God has given us this gift (like my compass) to help us back to the "main road." God will never leave us unprepared and he cares about each of us individually and knows each of us individually by name and loves us. I know this true. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Love, Samantha

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