Sunday, July 14, 2013

Small Beginnings

This blog as you know, is going to be my testimony and my love of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have been thinking a lot about how I'm going to do this in a way that everyone can understand. I am going to do my very best, and if you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask away. I want to start small. (At least try too.) Today is going to be a lot of my testimony. I know that "by small and simple things great works are brought to pass." (Alma 37:6-7)* My grandma has a quote on her wall about this as well. The quote reads: "Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things." Little things mean a lot to me. A smile, a simple hello, a little conversation with your friend, etc. It may not even seem like you are doing anything out of the ordinary, but you never know what that small little thing can mean to someone. Years later I still remember having a bad day and going to grandmas. I was tired and grandma could sense I was sad. She sat me in her lap and read my favorite childhood story to me. Then she sang me songs until I felt better. I still remember to this day that grandma didn't poke and prod to find out what was wrong, but that she simply let me know that I matter and she loves me. She taught me that all I need to do is be there for others, I don't have to know what is going on in their lives, but I just need to be a friend. This, I feel, is a basic principle of the gospel. To be a friend is one of the greatest gifts. This is my testimony for you:  I love to talk about the gospel and answer questions. Although I am young, and I do not know the answer to every question: I am positive my Loving Savior will help me find the right answer when the time is right. I'm going to ask you to be patient and I will be too. I know that none of us are perfect and that we all struggle and strive to become the best we can be. For those of you who feel lost and alone: I promise you this truth, You are NEVER alone. Jesus is always with you. He knows you and loves you. I want you to know there is always hope, and love. Have faith. I know we can all do hard things. Never give up. I love you all. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Love, Samantha

*Alma is found in the Book Of Mormon (Pictured above), the book that we use as members of the LDS faith. This book is the most true of any book you will ever read. It goes hand in hand with the bible, which is also very true as long as it translated correctly. If you have not read this book: I challenge you to read it and pray about it. (I will talk about praying another time.) 

P.S. I know that this can be a very confusing blog to read if you are completely new to this knowledge, but I will answer your questions, so ask. And I will also try my very hardest to make things clear that may be new and confusing to you. Don't give up. We will get there together, I promise this is a journey you want to make! (If you want to ask questions confidentially: email me at: ) Thanks! :) 

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