Sunday, August 4, 2013

Are you living on the Edge?

Today in Church I was sitting in one of my classes and I was listening to a story of a young women who was on a hiking trip and she came to a very steep part, and there was a cliff on one side. She decided that it was best to stay in the middle of the path so she was safe. This can relate to our lives. When I go hiking I hate the feeling of being on a cliff and being so close to the edge. I feel this way with the gospel too. I hate that feeling you get when you know what you are supposed to do and not do and you choose to get as close as you can to the "edge". Some people may refer to this as "how far can I go until it's not safe or okay?" I know I am not perfect and I have made lots of mistakes in my life, but I do know that I do not want to live on that edge. When you are living on that edge, it is harder to be confident, harder to have the spirit with you,  and harder to keep your standards high. We watched a video about "the limits". Here is the link to the video and I encourage you watch it and think about what it is teaching. I think it can explain what I am thinking better than I can.
In the church of Latter Day Saints, we have commandments to help lead and guide our lives, but they all aren't detailed and specific about the "boundaries". I believe this is because each of us personally needs to set our boundaries and standards. (Standards are things that you set for yourself, like a goal kind of, to keep yourself on the right path.) I encourage you each to set your boundaries and standards now so that when a situation arises it is easier to do what you know to be right. I know that God loves us all! I know that he wants to send his spirit to be with us always, and in order to do so we need to live righteously so that we are worthy of his spirit in our lives. I love him and this gospel with everything in me. I know it is ture.  In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Love, Samantha

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