Sunday, August 11, 2013

School reminder :)

As school is started in a little over one week, I wanted to take a brief moment and remind you all of something very important and something that I think we, as children of God, need to be reminded about everyday. YOU ARE SPECIAL. You were born to be different. You are a daughter/son of our loving Father In Heaven. He didn't intend for you to "blend in with the crowd." You are his instrument. You have a special light. Each of us does, and we were meant to share it, not hide it. (St. Matthew Chapter 5, verses 14-16)* As we go back to school, and things get back into our daily routines, I beg each of you to remember this: You were meant to be you. No one else. So, go ahead: be the best you, you can possibly be. Don't hide behind the media telling you your not good enough, because I promise you: each of us has our own special beauty, our own special light, our own special talents, our own special everything. Don't get discouraged just because someone might have a strength you don't have. You probably have one they don't have. For every strength there is a weakness, and if we work hard, our weaknesses can be made strong. (Ether chapter 12, verse 27)** Simply said: Jesus and God knows and loves each of us. He wants us to stand out and be ourselves, he will support you as long as you do whats right, and do it unto him. He will help you be you, all you have to do is ask. I love you all, and remember: BE YOURSELF!! Everyone else is taken anyway. I know this is true and God will help and support you. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Love, Samantha
* In the LDS church we use the King James version of the bible.
** This book is found in the Book Of Mormon.
These books together are the most true doctrine ever written. You cannot have one without the other.

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