Sunday, September 29, 2013

Prepare Now :)

Come Listen to a Prophet's voice. (Conference Center-SLC Ut)
Good Afternoon everyone! I hope everyone is doing well! Today my message is going to be on how to prepare for General Conference. General Conference is a Semi-Annual event for the Latter Day Saints. This event takes place over the course of a weekend, one in April and one in October. This is a time for our living Prophet and Apostles to speak to us about revelation they have received from Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. There are 4 general sessions and 1 Priesthood session. As Latter Day Saints we are encouraged to watch all 4, and the men are encouraged to watch the 5th (Priesthood) Session. General Conference is one of my very favorite things! I really look forward to hearing from our Prophets and Apostles. To be able to get as much out of Conference as I can, I do my best to prepare to hear the words that will be spoken to us. Today I learned of something to help us come more prepared for conference. ATTEND! Not only does attend literally mean to attend conference (whether you watch it on TV, go to the conference center, or listen on the radio, etc.) but attend is also an acronym. (An acronym is a word where each letter stands for something.) A: Attitude, T:Think of Questions T: Take the time E: Eternal Perspective N: Note taking         D: Determination
I want to take a minute and talk about each of these. A: Attitude; To me this means that I need to come to conference with a great attitude, a willing heart to learn, and and open mind to the things that I will be taught. T: Think of questions; Conference can be a time where we can receive personal revelation for things in our lives. We need to go into conference ready and prepared with questions that we have been praying about and we need to be willing and ready to receive answers. Although you may not directly receive an answer right then and there during conference, you may receive it later as you review the things you were taught. T: Taking the time; conference takes an effort. Each session is 2 hours long, so it takes some commitment, and while it may not be easy, it is ALWAYS a blessing. Take the time to listen to the words of the Prophet and his Apostles. E: Eternal Preservative; while watching keep in mind that no one is perfect, and that this life isn't all we have. We have eternal life to continue to grow and learn and become more like the Savior. Don't forget that this life isn't the end and that while we need to make changes in our lives to be the best we can, this isn't the end and we have eternity to continue to be more like Christ. All our blessings and gifts are eternal. D: Determined; you need to be determined to make a change. Generally after Conference you will realize things that you know you could/should change to be more like our Savior. Be determined to change, because Conference is just Conference until you put some action into it. One last thing I want to share with you is a scripture that tells us we need to be prepared to hear the things the Prophet and Apostles will teach us or we will not be able to receive the things we need too because our minds and hearts will not be prepared to hear those words. 3 Nephi chapter 17 verse 3*: Ponder, Ask, Prepare. These are the 3 key points from this scripture. I know that if we want to learn and grow we must do these 3 things in all areas of our life. We must learn to ponder, because sometimes the answer we are looking for comes when we are thinking about it at a later time, and not when we are on our knees in prayer. We need to learn to ask, because if we don't ask, how are we to receive the help we need? We need to learn to prepare, because if we are prepared, we will not fear, we will be ready when it is time, and we will be able to help those in need. I know that the words of the Prophet and his Apostles are our living scripture. They tell us of modern day revelation specifically for us today to help us come back to Christ. I know this is true. I encourage each and every one of you to take the time you need to prepare for Conference and to really listen this next week as Conference is being broadcast. I promise it will bless your life in all areas. I love you all, I love this Gospel with all my heart,
In the name of Jesus Christ,


*This scripture comes from The Book Of Mormon, the book that the LDS faith uses. This verse reads:
 Therefore, go ye unto your homes, and aponder upon the things which I have said, and ask of the Father, in my name, that ye may understand, and bprepare your minds for the cmorrow, and I come unto you again.
**General Conference is available in many different ways. To find the best way for you to watch and listen to these amazing meetings, click here:
Here it contains all the information you will need to watch and listen. I HIGHLY recommend listening to the words of our living Prophet and Apostles. (If you cannot listen to all of Conference this next weekend, it will always be avaible on  If you have any questions about this please please email me at:

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