Sunday, September 22, 2013

Standing Strong During the Storm

I live by this quote: read below to find out why. 
Hello everyone! This week I have been pondering what I wanted to share with you all. As I pondered and prayed about the message I should share I finally found an answer today. I would like to share with you all my testimony of standing strong during the storm, even if this means standing alone. For those of you who read my blog every week, or know me personally, you may know that I love comparing things in life to storms. (This is a little obsession of mine, that our lives are our own personal storms and that we can choose to hide in the house during the storm or run out and dance in the rain. -this is why the name of my blog is Dancing Through Your Storms.) To some, the sound of a storm is scary and frightening. For me: it is a song of peace and comfort. I love the rain, and I dance in it every chance I get. When I dance in the rain, it reminds me of the love of my Father in Heaven and my Elder Brother Jesus Christ and how they will lead and guide me and that even in the darkest of times in my life, I can find joy, happiness, comfort, love, and peace. Sometimes finding this in the middle of my life's storm means that I have to stand alone. When I think of standing alone I am always reminded of the Mormon Message* given by our living Prophet: Thomas S. Monson. This message tells of his experience of a time when he had to stand alone, and even though it was frightening he chose to stand alone because he knew what he was doing was right, and in the end, he wasn't alone. When we have to choose to stand alone, we have to remember who we are. This reminds me of a talk by a women I look up too. Her name is Sis. Elaine S. Dalton, she is the former Young Women's President of the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. (Mormon Church-The Church I belong too.) She gave a talk titled: Remember Who You Are!** In this talk she says:
 "yes, we will continue to stand firm no matter what storms may rage around us because we know and testify that “it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that [we] must build [our] foundation … , a foundation whereon if [we] build [we] cannot fall.” "
This quote reminds me that if I build and center my life around the gospel, that I will building on a foundation that cannot fall. I will be preparing myself to stand alone when the storms rage and no one else is standing with me, but my Savior. I want you all to know that even though standing alone can be scary, you really are never alone. If you stand up for our Savior, he will stand up for you. You are never completely alone. Heavenly Father and Jesus will always stand with you if you let them. I know that Storms may sound scary, and it may be something you dread to have happen, but I want you to remember this: The storm is what you make it. Are you going to sit in your house and watch the storm go by, or are you going to run out and dance in the rain? I know I am going to dance. I hope and pray that each of you choose to dance too. I know this gospel is true, and I know that we can do hard things and Jesus and Heavenly Father will never leave us if we don't leave them. Never give up. I love you all.
In the name of Jesus Christ,


*Mormon Messages are brief messages that The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints puts out to share the message of the gospel with others. To watch this particular message click on this link:
(feel free to scroll through the others and listen to as many as you want! They are all amazing and all testify of the truthfulness of this amazing gospel.)

** If you would like to read the rest of this inspirational talk here is the link:
(I love this talk and highly recommend reading it.)

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