Sunday, October 6, 2013

General Conference Thoughts

 Conference has blessed my life so much already. Oh my goodness I love the gospel with all my heart. There is so much that I have learned so far and I know I will still learn because as I review the talks online and in the church magazines, I will learn more every single time. Some of the highlights for me right now:
There are currently 80,233 full time missionaries serving in the church right now.
The LDS church just reached 15 million members.
Robert D. Hales
 "What is said is not as important as what I hear." -Robert D. Hales-12 apostles (This quote tells us that what we are taught by the mouth of others is not as important as what we are taught by listening to the spirit.)
 "We gather to hear the words of the Lord, then we return to our homes to live them." -Robert D. Hales-12 Apostles (This quote tells us that what we learn is just words until we put them into action.)
Edward Dube
"It is not what we have done, or where we have been; Rather where we are going." -Edward Dube-70's (This quote tells us how we can be and will be forgiven. After we are forgiven, don't dwell in the past, look toward your bright future and live the gospel.)
David A. Bednar
"When we seek the Savior more, we see more clearly the blessing we have; hear more readily the words we are taught; and our heart is more understanding to the words of the Lord." -David A. Bednar- 12 Apostles (This quote teaches us that if are more readily prepared to learn form the Lord and his teachers, we will more readily learn what he needs us to learn.)
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
"Doubt your doubt before you doubt your faith." -Dieter F. Uchtdorf- 2nd Counselor in Presidency (This quote teaches us that we need not doubt our faith, and we need to come unto the Lord. Don't doubt things you know to be true before you doubt things you are unsure of.)
"Some wonder if they can live up to the Church's Standards: All the more reason to Come Join With us!" -Dieter F. Uchtdorf- 12 Apostles (This quote is calling to all those who are unsure about the church, that if you are unsure: it's all the more reason to Come, Join With us!)
Boyd K. Packer
"Be not afraid, only believe. Righteousness is stronger than wickedness." -Boyd K. Packer- 12 Apostles (This quote is telling us that we don't need to be scared. God is always there. Choose to be righteous. The righteous will always come out on top; God will never abandon you, Satan will.)
S. Gifford Nielsen
"Exclamation points tell you you are reading a very heartfelt, missionary scripture. Pay attention to them."      -S. Gifford Nielsen-70's (This quote is telling us that we need to pay special attention to the ! in scriptures. They are some of the most important.)
Arnulfo Valenzuela 
Arnulfo Valenzuela of the 70, reminded us of the "Small and Simple things" scripture. (Alma 37:6-7) He reminded us that we need to pay attention to even the small little things and be thankful for what we have been given.
Jeffery R. Holland
"Hope is never lost." "If the bitter cup does not pass, drink it up knowing there are happier days to come."    -Jeffery R. Holland-12 Apostles (Here we are reminded that even when life is hard, God is always there, but sometimes we need to take the trial and let it change us so that we can become better instead of just having God take it away. He knows we need to learn and grow and through this, we can.)
Henry B. Eyring
"The only way to happiness  is through the Holy Ghost." -Henry B. Eyring-12 Apostles (I believe that we are being taught that without the Holy Ghost to lead us in our lives we can never receive the full joy of the gospel of Christ.)
Bonnie L. Oscarson
"Living the gospel principles is the only way to become truly converted to them." -Bonnie L. Oscarson- Young Woman President (Here we are taught that the only way to really become like the Savior is by living the gospel principles in all that we do everyday.)
Richard J. Maynes
"Just as we need to be in shape physically to endure things such as a race; we must be spiritually in shape so that our testimony can endure the hard things in life. We do this through Dedication, Perseverance, and Self-Discipline." -Richard J. Maynes- 70's (This is telling us that if we want to really endure the challenges of life and be exalted on high, we must be prepared. We do this by first studying and learning the teachings of the gospel then going out and doing our best to live them.)
Richard G. Scott
"Don't let Satan use previous sin's guilt to pull you down again." "Repentance is not a punishment, it is a hope filled path to a brighter and better future." -Richard G. Scott- 12 Apostles (Here we are being taught that we must resist sin, and not let Satan make us feel guilty again for repented sin. Also, don't feel like you're in trouble when you repent; when you repent you are telling your Father in Heaven that you love him and you are sorry and this way he can help and lead you to a brighter future.)

Quentin L. Cook
Quentin L. Cook, one of the 12 apostles, reminded us of the importance of using our time wisely and not spending too much time using social networking accounts and too little time with our Savior. 
David M. McConkie
"Go where the promptings take you." -David M. McConkie-Sunday School Presidency (This quote is teaching us that we need to listen to the Holy Ghost and do and say the things that the Savior needs us to do.) 
Kevin S. Hamilton
Kevin S. Hamilton of the 70, reminded us that we need to hold fast to the Word of God (Iron Rod) and not pick and choose when we want to listen to our Father in Heaven. We need to continually hold fast to the rod.
Adrian Ochoa
"Don't neglect to look up." -Adrian Ochoa-70's- (This quote is reminding us that we need to remember to look up to God in all that we do and not forget that he is there. He is there watching over us and guiding us back to him. 
Terence M. Vinson
"You haven't used all of your strength until you have asked your Father in Heaven for help." -Terence M. Vinson- 70's (We need to remember that God is there to help aide us and help us to be the best that we can be. We haven't tried our hardest until we have asked him for help.)
Russel M. Nelson
"Just as Jeremiah of old was chosen before he was born, you were too." -Russel M. Nelson- 12 Apostles (Here we are told that we all have a divine mission on earth too. We were all chosen before we were born to come to this earth at this time for our our divine purpose.)

Thomas S. Monson
Thomas S. Monson (The Prophet) told us that he felt this was one of the most inspirational and spiritually feeding General Conferences he had participated in in his 50 years of being an Apostle. He also told us a quote that says: "Good timber does not grow with ease: The stronger wind, the stronger trees; The further sky, the greater length; The more the storm, the more the strength. By sun and cold, by rain and snow, In trees and men good timbers grow." This quote teaches us that while we are faced with trials and challenges, God knows they are for our good and they will make us stronger and bring us closer to him. 

I know the words which were spoken over the past few days are very true and they are our living scriptures and doctrine to help us in today's world to get back to our Savior. I love the Prophet and Apostles and all of the other General Authorities and everything that they teach us. I know we are so blessed and fortunate to be able to hear from them every 6 months and learn and gather together to teach others. I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ and hope that you can also come to a love of this amazing Gospel too.  I bear my testimony with them that this is the true church, God and his Son Jesus Christ do live and love us all. 
In the name of Jesus Christ,


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