Monday, October 14, 2013

Parents Know Best

I want to share an experience that I had this week in California. The last day we spent in California we were at the beach. This particular beach was one with tide pools and many rocks to climb on. There were a few other families at this particular spot other than my own family. One family stood out to me and I quietly watched them as the young children ran through the waves and collected things from the tide pools. One little boy seemed more adventurous than the others. He was posing for pictures with his sister while their dad took them. While their dad was focusing on the daughter, the little boy wandered off up, up, up, higher onto the rocks. Somehow he managed to climb all the way to the top on the edge. When his dad turned and saw him, he called out his name telling him not to move and that he would guide him back down. The young boy turned and saw how far he had come and proudly exclaimed: "Daddy! Look how high I can climb! I did it all by myself!" His dad's reply was what stood out to me: "Son, I need you to listen to my voice, focus and I will guide you down. I know you don't always want my help, but I can see what you cannot. Listen to me and I will help you down the path." The boy was quick to reply: "Okay daddy, I will follow you, where do I need to go?" The young boy and father continued to communicate throughout the journey down the slippery, steep rocks. When the young boy finally reached his father he grabbed him tight in a hug announcing: "Daddy! I made it! I couldn't have done it without you! I love you daddy!" The father softly replied: "Thank you for listening, I love you too son." As I watched and listened to this everyday activity tears were brought to my eyes. I couldn't help but think: how many times does our Father in Heaven see us in dangerous situations and call for us to listen to his voice so that he may lead us safely, because he can see what we cannot? Do we turn like the young boy and quickly reply yes, lead me to safety? Do we carefully listen and come home quickly as the young boy? And lastly, we will be able to run to our Father when we see him again and give much thanks and say: "I love you daddy! I couldn't have done it without you!"? Will he say: "Thanks for listening, I love you too." ? This is my hope that we can all have that miraculous experience with our Father in Heaven, having no regret that we didn't listen and heed his words. I encourage you all to remember the little boy, who is us, and his father, who is our Father in Heaven, their experience and the one I hope we can all have someday. That is my one goal above all other: that when I see my Heavenly Father and my elder brother Jesus Christ, that they will both embrace me and say; "Well done Samantha, you did it. We love you." And that I will be able to say "Thank you for giving me a voice of comfort, peace, and hope to lead me home to you. I couldn't have done it alone. I love you too." This is my testimony that I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ both live and love us. Our Heavenly Father and Mother know best, just like our earthly parents, and even when it's hard for us to listen: if we are quick to listen and obey in the end we will be saved much heart-ache and tribulation that we would have been able to avoid if we listened in the first place. I know it's hard to listen and sometimes we think we can do it alone, but we can't. We can't do anything to our fullest without our Father in Heaven's help. Listen to the voice of the spirit, it will lead and guide you through those 'steep and slippery rocks' of life. I love you all.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


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