Sunday, October 20, 2013

It is Possible!

Elder Uchtdorf and his Talk (Link below)

The Book of Mormon
You know how everyone always talks about how you shouldn't talk badly about others? About how you should always have a positive attitude? Have you ever heard those talks where you sit back and you say to yourself: "How on earth is that possible? It just isn't real life for someone like me."? Well lately I have been thinking a lot about how people tell us all the time that we shouldn't gossip, we shouldn't judge others, we shouldn't complain, etc. and seriously all I could think about was: "Okay, maybe for adults that's possible but I'm in high school: how do you not gossip, judge and complain? It's just not possible." Well I'm here to tell you I had a awake up call and yes: it is very possible, even for people like me in high school. Yesterday I had a very eye opening experience. I was with my friend, who is on crutches and just had a very painful surgery this past week. Although we went all over our city park (which is not small by any means) and we went to a dance that night, I never once heard a complaint slip his mouth. Everything he said was so positive, whether it was about himself/surgery, or about crutches, others, etc. Everything he said was positive. This friend of mine never ceases to amaze me and has had his own set of very difficult trials that most of us are never ever asked to face: but he is never negative. I know if I were in his position I would not be as positive as him. He is my real life example of obeying the apostles words: even when it is not easy by any means. (Elder Uchtdorf General Conference talk April 2012)* I know that if we follow and obey the words of our living prophet and his apostles, we will be blessed more than we think possible, for the words of the apostles and prophets are the words of God. (Doctrine and Covenants chapter 1 verse 38)** I know that my friend has been blessed, and he has most defiantly blessed the lives of those around him. By him following and obeying the Prophet and apostles he makes others want to be better too. To everyone everywhere reading this I am here to tell you it IS possible. You can do hard things, and while it is not going to be easy at first, if you honestly and sincerely try, do your best, and you ask our Father in Heaven for help; you will receive the help you need and you will be blessed and bless the lives of those around you. Your weaknesses will be made strong (Ether Chapter 12 verse 27)*** and you will be an instrument in the Lord's hands to bring to pass his work. I beg you to not get discouraged and to not give up. There is hope, believe in miracles and stay strong. I love you all and so does our Father in Heaven and his son Jesus Christ. This is my testimony that I leave with you,
In the Name of Jesus Christ,


*Elder Uchtdorf gave this message a little while ago and at the time I could not see the light at the end of the tunnel. I couldn't see a way to do what he asked; at first I tried, but then I gradually gave up. Again I am going to try, and this time I am going to pray and ask for help and I know that I will be able to do the things that the Lord needs me too. I encourage you to listen and join with me in applying his 2 word sermon to "STOP IT." Click here to watch:

**Doctrine and Covenants in a Book the Latter Day Saints use. This is modern revelation for us today and this book is very true and brings so much light and truth to us all. This verse reads: " What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, myaword shall not pass away, but shall all be bfulfilled, whether by mine own cvoice or by the dvoice of my eservants, it is the fsame. "

***Ether is a book in the Book of Mormon, the Book that the Latter Day Saints use as their primary book, and it is the foundation for our church.  This book is true and also contains so much light and knowledge. This verse reads: "And if men come unto me I will show unto them theiraweakness. I bgive unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my cgrace is sufficient for all men that dhumble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make eweak things become strong unto them."

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