Sunday, November 17, 2013

Being Thankful

At this time of year we hear a lot about being thankful because it's Thanksgiving! I know you all might get tired of hearing about "being thankful" but I wanted to share my insight about how we be thankful always, and not just around Thanksgiving. Some of the things I wanted to share are very simple and short, but I think they will help me, and you, remember to count your blessings. (or be thankful).
The first thing I wanted to share is: We need to be happy now! Life is good right now, even if you don't think it is. Stop wishing for better days ahead and live for right now. If we keep living in the past or the future, we will miss out on the most important thing: what's happening right before us, right now.
Another thing I wanted to share is: Live your blessings, don't just count them. By this I mean that instead of just saying: "oh yeah, I'm thankful for this, and this, and that, etc," we need to use the things we have to bless others. As we realize what we have, and how blessed we are to have these things, we can better use our gifts and talents and abilities to bless others and help make their lives better.
Something else I want to share is this: trials are blessings. Whether you agree or not, this is my belief. I like to believe that trials are compliments from God. When we are doing good, God will send us a trial to help make us even stronger. Think about it: when you are doing really great in life, what always comes next? A trial!! Therefore: Our trails are compliments from God, which makes them blessings.
Lastly, I wanted to share this quote:

What would you have today? Every time I see this quote, I think: "oh my goodness! What would I have left?" Sometimes we get too caught up in what we want, and forget what we have. This is something that I think we are all guilty of. How many times have you said your prayers and realized that you asked for a whole lot and only thanked Heavenly Father for this day?
I want to challenge each of you to remember daily to be thankful. I am making a list of things I am thankful for. This isn't just a regular list though, this is a list of things I am thankful for daily. Each night before I go to sleep, I am going to think about my day and I am going to add at least one new thing every day to my list. The catch is: it has to be something I used that day, and I cannot repeat what I already have on the list. At first this may be easy to think of things I am thankful for, but as time goes on: it will get trickier and I will really have to seek out what I am truly thankful for. I invite you all to join me in this "Thankful Challenge."
I believe that by doing this challenge I will be able to see more clearly what blessings I have. I know that this will help us be happier, and we will be able to bless others through this. I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true. I know that Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father live; they know me, and they love me. This is my testimony,
In the name of Jesus Christ,

Love, Samantha

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Girl that was great! I loved it! And um, I totally agree with you. Miss you! :)