Sunday, November 24, 2013

Little Things :)

Jesus did the little things, let us all follow in his example and do the little things too. 

I just wanted to take a moment at this busy time of year to tell you all to notice the little things, because the little things matter. The little things being: that simple smile to the person in the hallway, the wave at the person on the street, that "how are you" to an old friend, etc. But don't just notice the little things, but be an active participator in the little things. You never know what someone may be going through. You don't know what happens at home, you don't know what their situation is. And you probably don't know how much that simple smile, or hello can mean someone. To them it could mean that they don't go home feeling invisible in this great big world. To them it could mean that someone cared enough for that one second of their day to notice them. that they don't give up. It could very well give them the strength to want to fight again for another day. YOU can make that difference in someone's life, YOU can be that change. Listen to the spirit, he will lead and guide you. Pray for the opportunity to bless someone's life everyday: even in the smallest and simplest ways. I know that by being an active participator in the little things: YOU will change lives. You may not see it, but I promise it is noticed and it is very important to all those who receive. I know that Heavenly Father will help us. I know that he will guide us to the right person, and he will give us the strength to say what we need too, no matter how scary it can be. I know that Heavenly Father loves each one of us, and I know that he doesn't want us to be sad or upset, and it hurts him when we hurt. That's why Heavenly Father needs us to be instruments in his hands so that he may lead us to help everyone (all his children) to be happy and feel of his love for them. I know we can do this. I know it's not easy at first, but with enough practice and trust and faith in our Savior and Redeeming Lord we can do anything. I know he knows each of you personally, he loves you, and he wants you to be happy. Come unto him. I love this gospel and the joy and peace it brings to all of us. Join with me in spreading the joy of the gospel by doing the little things! I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true, and I love it!
In the name of Jesus Christ,


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