Sunday, December 1, 2013

December = Christmas

Christ is the reason for the Season

This is my very favorite time of year. I just absolutely love being able to celebrate Christmas, and more importantly: the birth of our Savior. Every year as Christmas approaches, I feel like everyone thinks only about the the earthly part of Christmas. (The caroling, the parties, the concerts, the "perfect" presents, etc.) I know that at some point all of us get caught up in all the festivities of the season, which is fine for a short while, but let me ask you the most important question: Did YOU personally take time to remember our loving Savior and his birth? And to really think about it? Did you think of all he has done for you? Did you think of the amazing miracle of his birth? Did you take time to put *Christ* in Christmas?? If not, I encourage you to do so before it's too late and Christmas is over. Here is a  Mormon Message that I found. I would love you all to see this:
I think this message describes what we should all remember: that the best thing at Christmas, is the gift our ourselves to our Father in Heaven. There are many more you can watch: and I encourage to watch them as well.
I absolutely LOVE my Heavenly Father and his Son, my elder brother, Jesus Christ with all my heart. They are my best friends, and they are ALWAYS there for me. No matter what. To every dark and lonely night, I know that he is there and he can and will turn it into a bright and glorious morning if I just ask. I love this Gospel with all my heart, and I know that the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true. I know that I am NEVER alone, and you never have to be alone either. I know that if we prepare now to include Christ in our Christmas celebrating: we will be able to have the most amazing Christmas experience ever, and that we will truly be filled with the Christmas Spirit. I know that Christ is the reason for this Season. I beg you all to come unto him, be filled with his Spirit and really try to understand what Christmas is all about. Make every day about him. I love you all. This is my testimony,
In the Name of Jesus Christ,


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