Sunday, November 3, 2013

You are a Child of God

This picture and quote say it all
The quote reads: "You are dearly loved and precious in his sight. He takes great delight in you for you are his treasured possession. He will bless you with a future filled with hope."
Today I feel like I really need to share this simple truth with everyone. This simple truth is that you are a child of God and he loves you. No matter what you have done, where you have been, the mistakes you have made, God loves you more than anything ever. You are his literal child and he loves you. Heavenly Father is our Father. Jesus is our elder brother. You are their divine creation. You are Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ's most sacred creation, the most treasured creation. Sometimes we mess up, sometimes we make mistakes, sometimes we feel lost, sometimes we feel as if all hope is lost. I know that sorrow is very real, very scary, and very hopeless feeling. I promise that if you give your burden to the Lord, it will be lifted and together you can do anything. I promise you: You are loved, you have angels fleeing to rescue you. You can come back, YOU are a child of God. He will never ever forsake you. He loves you so dearly and so beautifully. No one can love the way he loves you. Heavenly Father wants to be there in everything you do. He is your dad. He will always be there on the side lines cheering you on if you let him. He pleads for you to come back to him. He pleads for you to come home. I know at times things look and feel very over whelming, but I promise the most important thing you have is your relationship with our Father in Heaven. He will always forgive you if you just say sorry and mean it. He still loves you, no matter the sin. The only way back is through constant prayer and repentance. None of us are perfect and we all have to continually strive to become more like him, and that includes using the atonement. I want you to know that you are beautiful to him and he loves you unconditionally and forever, he simply loves you. He knows your name, he knows your heart aches, he knows your pain, he knows your hopes and dreams and goals, he knows YOU. And YOU are his child. He loves you. 
In the name of Jesus Christ,


*This song is called: I am A Child Of God. Please listen to it, even if you know it by heart. I challenge you to listen to the words and really think about them. They are so true. I (along with every single one of you) Am a Child of God. He loves me. I know it to be true. I have seen and felt his love everyday of my life. I love him more than anything ever. Please listen:

** Also: this is sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I absolutely love listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir because when they sing, the spirit just rushes over me like a wave. If you are ever in need of comfort, peace, or happiness: listen to them sing. They are truly amazing and sing with voices of angels. 

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