Sunday, December 8, 2013

We Each Have Gifts

We all have spiritual gifts :)

Each of us is blessed with different things. Sometimes we call these blessing our spiritual gifts, or in other words: our gifts that help us become more like the Savior. The Savior has many different amazing attributes, and he used those gifts and attributes while he walked the earth to bless others and teach them. He has blessed each of us with certain gifts that he knew we would be able to use to help serve him and bring others unto him. Today in church we were reading about and discussing the gifts that the Savior blesses us with. (Doctrine and Covenants Section 46)* Sometimes we have gifts in common with others around us, while other times our gifts may be very unique to us. No matter how unique your gift may or may no seem, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ blessed you with that gift for a reason. They chose you to hold that gift that you may use it for good, that you may nurture it and grow it so that you will better be able to help others around you and so that you can be the son or daughter of God that he needs and wants you to be so that you may return to live with him. Some times we see gifts in others that we wish we could have ourselves, and guess what? We can! Heavenly Father wants us to use all the gifts we can to bless others. If you see a gift that you really wish you had, all you have to do is ask and with Heavenly Father and Jesus' help: over time you can develop that talent and gain it as well. Will it be easy? Probably not. Will it be worth it? Anything for the gospel is always worth it. It will take time, but you can do it. I know that by using our gifts and talents to bless the lives of others we can become more like our Savior. We can bless others lives and we can and will be a force for good. Others will see the things you do and they will be so thankful that you have the gifts you have so that you can help them and others as well. I know that we can all develop these gifts and by doing so: we will be able to better see the hand our Savior in our lives and we will be more ready to serve as he did. I wanted to share this video with you about some of the gifts the Savior has. As you watch it I want you to think about the gifts you have, and the ones you wish you could have/be better at. Some of the gifts you may have and you don't even know you have them. As you watch this video I want you to be thinking about the Savior and the way he used his gifts every day to bless others and teach the gospel.
I know that we all have different gifts, and I know that we were all blessed with these different gifts for a reason. I know that if we choose to use our gifts for good and focus them on helping others: we will be able to do amazing things. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is true and I love it with all of my heart. I am so thankful for everything I have been blessed with and given. I know that we can do amazing things as long as we do them with the help of the Lord. With him: anything is possible. I know that he is always there and that he loves each one of us and will never leave us.
In the name of Jesus Christ,

Samantha Stout

*Doctrine and Covenants is a book that the Latter Day Saints use. It is a book of modern revelation that we use to teach with. It goes hand and hand with the Book of Mormon and the Bible. This section (46) talks about the gifts that we are blessed with. In this section we are always reminded to be thankful for the gifts that we have. (To read this section click here:

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