Sunday, January 12, 2014

Family and Friendships

This is my family and I love them so much!
Lately I have been thinking a lot about parents and their role in my life, other than being my parents. Of course my parents play the parent role in my life, but what else do they do for me other than being parents? I know that most teens think that their parents are always out to get them, that they can't talk to them, that their parents don't understand, etc. but not my parents. I don't feel like that about my parents. Recently my eyes have been opened to the wonderful friendship that can occur within a family. I have known my whole life that I can talk to my parents, but I never did cause I was too scared. However since I started talking to my parents and just talking to them as if they were my best friends our relationship grew from just being parents to daughter, to being best friends who are also my parents. This weekend was such an eye opener as well because my parents had 10 million other things to be doing but they gave up their weekends to help my sister and I have an amazing weekend just because it was important to them to help us to have a good time and do something fun. They even took all their time to help clean everything up from our crazy mess. Then it was important for them to be involved. They weren't just physically there, but they were emotionally there too. My parents are really my best friends. I can talk to my parents about anything and everything and just being able to do that makes such a world of difference to me. I want to encourage every one of you to at least try and build a friendship with your parents. To try and get past that "my parents don't know who I am" stage. The truth of the matter is that life is hard and you cannot do it alone. Your parents really do care and I can almost guarantee that if you try to be a friend and be there for your parents as well, life can change. And it can change for the better. Once you can be friends with your family members, especially your parents, life is different and you look at things differently. I know that Heavenly Father chose out our parents for us for a specific reason. I know that our parents can do amazing things, and if you don't believe me: give it a shot. At first it's not easy. I know it takes work and you have to learn to slowly understand your parents on a different level. Don't look at them as people in the way, or people who just boss you around all the time, rather, look at them as people who need help, people who need a friend too. I know that without my parents I wouldn't be me. I know that I would be completely lost if it wasn't for them. And parents: as a teen I know it's hard to talk to my parents sometimes so when your kids start to talk to you, no matter how busy you are: stop and listen. Because nothing is more important than the relationship you have with your kids. If you wait for what you think is a better time to talk, they won't want to talk anymore. When your kids are out a date for example, stay up and wait for them because after the date they will talk about it, but if you wait for morning: they won't talk anymore. Give us space and let us come to you. I know that developing a friendship with family members can be a big challenge and hardship sometimes, but they will love you mo matter what and they are the best kind of friends you could ever ask for. I believe that by developing these relationships in our families will strengthen our families and it will make us happier and stronger. My parents are my best friends. Are yours? I challenge you to try and develop that relationship with them. I know that the spirit will be in our homes more abundantly if we can accomplish this and it will make Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ so happy and they will be proud of us and our success in our family life. I know this is true, In the name of Jesus Christ,




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