Sunday, January 26, 2014

To Moms and Dads

Lately I have been sharing a lot about parents, and I'm not really sure why, but I feel as if this is what I need to be sharing right now. Today I will be sharing about moms and dads and their role in our lives. Even though I have already shared on this topic I wish to share some new things today. (If you can't tell I really love moms and dads; especially my own.) I have three different videos I would like to share today.

The first one is about Fathers and how their role as a father can lead them and help them understand how our Heavenly Father feels about us. It explains their role in helping us and being there to support and love us. It explains how important the role of an active caring father is in a child's life.

The second video is for Mothers. This video tells mothers that the partnership they have with their Heavenly Father is one of the most sacred. That their special and sacred duty to have and raise children is such an eternal blessing. This video reminds mothers that what they are doing is the single most important thing for them to do.

This last video is for both Mother and Father. I feel like parents are always asking what they can do to be better parents. This video teaches our parents that the single most important thing they can do to raise their children (and be better parents) is to love each other completely and unconditionally. By showing your children that you both are deeply in love and care for each other shows us, especially when we are teens, what we should strive for and what we should look for in others. Loving each other is one of the best things you can do to teach us. We look up to your example, especially when we are dating, to see what we should be looking for.

I love these videos. I know that our parents are some of the most important people in our lives. I know that I look up to my parents, and I know that I love them with all my heart. I know that they have taught me so much and that they love me too. I know that I can look up to them for what I want to be looking for in men I date, and what kind of a relationship I want to have when it's time for me to have one. I know what kind of a person I need to be because my mother has taught me to be like her. I wouldn't have it any other way either. My mom is quite the amazing mom. Words cannot even describe all that she has done, still does, and will do in the future for me. My mom is my best friend. My dad had taught me what kind of a man I should be looking for, how men should treat women, how to respect others, etc. My dad always know how to give me advice (that girls can't) because it takes a guy's point of view to know sometimes. I know that my dad will always be there and he is my other best friend. My parents are my prime examples and I love them with all my heart. I know that it can be really hard to look up to your parents sometimes, and sometimes it's not "possible" for you to look up to them because you don't agree with their standards. That doesn't mean you can't look up to parents. I know of kids, my own friends, that look up to my parents because they can't look up to their own. That is okay too. There are parents you can look up too somewhere. And parents: please do your best to be the example you want to be for your kids. Be the parents you want your kids to be to your grand-kids, because they watch your example and they learn young. They will adapt to the way you do things and that is what kind of a family they will lead. I know I do things a certain way because that's the way my mom would do it. Teach your kids what you would have them do, not just by words, but by constant action.

I know that parents are lead and guided by our Heavenly Father to lead and guide us where we need to go. Don't give up parents, even if it's hard. You're doing the best thing you can do by being a parent. There is no greater call than for you to raise your children in the the eyes of the Lord. You can do it. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will lead and guide you in the right direction if you take the time to ask him, and take the time to listen to his answer. It will not always be easy, but your family is always worth it. I love this gospel, I know it's true. I love my family and wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for my parents. I love them very much.

In the name of Jesus Christ,



Coleman said...

Samantha, I love this! and I agree, you do have great parents! Being a mom is the greatest blessing in my life. I have learned so much from my children and from going through the good and bad things that life throws at all of us. I am so grateful that I had great parents of my own to be such amazing examples to me. Thanks for your great testimony of such an important role! Love you! Sis. Packer

Steffani said...

Samantha, I love this! and I agree, you do have great parents! Being a mom is the greatest blessing in my life. I have learned so much from my children and from going through the good and bad things that life throws at all of us. I am so grateful that I had great parents of my own to be such amazing examples to me. Thanks for your great testimony of such an important role! Love you! Sis. Packer

Steffani said...

Sorry! My response posted twice because I was logged in as Coleman! Oh, well. It definitely deserves two comments! Have a good day!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for reading! I really do appreciate it! :)