Sunday, March 16, 2014

Mountains to Climb

Don't forget angles are watching over you.
I'm going to start with a simple fact today. Life is hard. We all know it. There isn't anything we can do about it, or is there? Life will always be hard, but we defiantly don't have to face it alone. My friend shared with me a Mormon Message* that touched my heart and I wanted to share with all of you guys today. This video is about how we will face hardships, things we never expected, but how it doesn't have to be faced alone. This video reminds us that Christ is always willing to be there, that we have to have faith in him and let him in. We need to trust him. I know that in life we think we are strong enough to face things on our own, but the truth of the matter is: we can't. We need an "upward lift" from Heaven. Jesus Christ can provide us with that lift because he went through everything for us. He has felt every pain, every struggle, every heartache. HE knows your pain exactly, and so much more. He has been in the deepest darkest spot we can imagine. And to top it all off: he went through it completely and utterly alone. He did that for you, for me, for every person that has lived and ever will live, so that we never have to do it alone. He loves us that much. He loves us more than we can ever comprehend. This video reminds us to turn to him. It reminds us that prayer and faith are all we need. We can do hard things. Please don't give up. I know life isn't easy, but it is worth the fight. I know that each and every one of you can do it. He loves you. He is there, he is waiting for you. Come unto him. Trust him, have faith in him, and endure till the end. You can do it. I know you can. I know this is true. 
In the Name of Jesus Christ, 

*Click here to watch the Mormon Message: Mountains to Climb

1 comment:

Family said...

Sam! This is just what I needed this week. I was having issues with school, and homework, and everything was out of order. You reminded me to endure, and that I can do it, and that it will be okay. And it has been. I went back to dance on Friday, and got to hang with my best friend too, which hasn't happened in months. Thank you so much. Luv ya! ~Grace