Sunday, March 23, 2014

To Any In Need of Hope

Come back unto Him. 
This morning as I was pondering what I could share with you this week I was looking through some Mormon Messages on . I came across one entitled: "Lifting Burdens: The Atonement Of Jesus Christ". At first I wasn't sure if this was the thing to share today, but as I continued to watch, I knew  I needed to post this video today. I just wanted to share with you all my testimony that I KNOW that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love each and every one of us. They knew before we came to earth that we would make mistakes. This is why we have to atonement, so that we can be forgiven and truly learn from our sins and become more like our Father in Heaven. I KNOW that they still love us. They never stop loving us. They just don't love the sin we committed. I know that they will always be there for us if we are willing to come unto them, which isn't easy all the time. I know that sometimes coming unto him means that we have to leave other things behind, but I guarantee that whatever you have to leave behind to come unto Him, is nothing compared to the happiness that you will feel and rejoice in. Nothing compares to the joy that Heavenly Father feels when you are willing to do the hard task of giving up your sin (giving up the world) to come unto him. I know that trying to repent on your own without the full help of the atonement is painful and difficult, and you will never truly be repented of your sins. I just want you all to know that you do NOT have to do it alone. That Heavenly Father loves you and wants to help you, you just need to show him that you are willing and you are really ready to go through the process with your whole heart and not just half way. I know you can do it. He knows you can do it, and he loves you still. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will open their arms to you and rejoice with you that you did hard things, and you came unto him. Don't give up. I know that this is the true gospel.
In the Name of Jesus Christ,


*Click here for the video: Lifting Burdens
**Also I think that this song:  Come Unto Christ is a good song to help you remember to Come Unto Christ.

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