Sunday, April 6, 2014

My Testimony

Today I wanted to simply share with you my testimony. My testimony is my strength, my rock, and my love. My testimony is the one sure thing I know I will always have, the one thing that no one can take away from me. My testimony lifts me, it helps me want to be a better person. I want each of you to know that I KNOW that our Heavenly Father lives. I KNOW that Jesus Christ was born, he lived a life of service, he died for each and every one of us; feeling our every pain and sorrow, taking upon himself every sin that ever was committed and ever will be committed. I KNOW that he was resurrected, and he lives. Because of him and his atoning sacrifice we can be forgiven of our sins. I know that the power of repentance is real. I know that the power of forgiveness is real. I know that even when we make mistakes, no matter how big or small, that the atonement is open to each of us and we are free to choose to use it. I beg each of you to use the power of the atonement and to come back unto Christ. I know that by using the atonement we can build strength and we can become more like our loving Savior. I know that there is no pain, sorrow, anguish, etc. that we have to bear on our own, because our Savior Jesus Christ went through it for us. We are never ever alone. I know that He will always be there for us and he will never leave us alone or comfortless. John 14:27 says: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." I know that we will always be able to receive comfort and peace from our Lord and Savior if we turn to him. I know that I can be with  my family forever and all eternity because of the sacred covenants my parents made in the temple. I know that temple marriage is eternal, not "till death do we part", but rather it is forever. Because of this knowledge I know that I will be able to see my Uncle Jeremy, my Great Grandma, my Grandma, and my best friend Jeremy again. I know that Heavenly Father's plan will allow us to be together again if we choose the right while we are here on earth and we use The Atonement. I know that I am not perfect, but by using the Atonement I can be forgiven and I can come back unto my Father In Heaven and my Elder Brother Jesus Christ. I know that I belong to the true church: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I know that the covenants I have already made with my Father in Heaven (my baptism) will help me get back to him. I know without a shadow of doubt, that Jesus Christ lives. He knows me. He loves me. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I have seen it change lives, and I know it changed mine. If you haven't read this book and prayed about it: I beg you to do so. I know that Heavenly Father knows and loves you too. He wants you to come back unto him. Please, let him in. Read the Book of Mormon, pray about it, let it change you too. I know it will bring you eternal happiness and you will feel of the Savior's love and the power of his infinite Atonement so much more. I know we have a living prophet and he receives revelation from Heavenly Father and teaches us so that we can all come back to Him. I know that the power of the Priesthood is real. I have seen it, I have felt it. I know that it is real. I know these things are true. I KNOW it.
In the name of Jesus Christ,


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