Sunday, May 4, 2014

Blessings From the Priesthood

This boy is receiving a blessing by the power of the Priesthood.
This week I have been thinking a lot about blessings, specifically blessings we receive from the Priesthood. Some of you may know this, but my little brother, Wade, came down with something this week. He got a really high fever, and got all those symptoms that come along with fevers. When we took him to the doctor and they couldn't find anything (like an infection) wrong. I felt so bad for him because it seemed like right when he would start to feel okay again, it would suddenly be worse! This has been going on for about 4 days now. My daddy was gone for business and when he came home he gave Wade a Priesthood blessing, for the healing of the sick. I was immediately comforted and knew that he would be okay and in time he would get better. I know that the blessing helped Wade too.

Today at church, my cousin's husband blessed their new baby with a name and a father's blessing to help him start off his life. I was again reminded of the power of the Priesthood.

The Priesthood has been restored to the earth today because of Joesph Smith. The Priesthood is the authority and power that God gives man to act in all things for the salvation of man; "the authority to act in God's name." My Father holds the Priesthood, and that is why he can give us blessing such as: Father's blessings (a blessing of the Priesthood that can be given at any time-usually for comfort, peace, reassurance, guidance, etc.- by a worthy Priesthood holder.-This blessing does not have to be given by your father, it can be given by any worthy Priesthood holder.) He can also give blessings for the healing of the sick and afflicted. These blessing are given by any worthy Priesthood holder. For this blessing there are usually 2 Priesthood holders. (When you are administered this blessing, the Priesthood holder uses blessed and consecrated oil. One man will anoint the oil, and the second will seal the oil with a blessing straight from your Heavenly Father to you specifically.) There are many other blessing that are performed by the Priesthood, like the blessing and passing of the sacrament each week, these are just some of the more common ones.

When my daddy is gone, I can feel an absence of the Priesthood sometimes. (Like this week when Wade got sick.) My mom does what she can as the mother of our home to keep the spirit here and bless us in different ways without the Priesthood, but there is a special feeling of having the Priesthood in our lives each day. I know that I am very fortunate to have this blessing, that I live with both of my parents and that my daddy works so hard every day to keep himself worthy to exercise his Priesthood at any moment. I know that by him doing so, I have been blessed my whole life.

I just wanted to share with you all today of the power of the Priesthood. I know that the Priesthood has been restored in its fullness to the earth today. I KNOW it. I have seen it work miracles, and I have personally felt the spirit it brings and it blessings it brings to all those around. I am so thankful for the Priesthood and the connection it gives us to our Father in Heaven. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the only true church on the earth today, and I know that we are led by a living prophet: Thomas S. Monson. I know that the Savior came to earth and died for each of us and all our sins. I know that we are never alone and that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.* I love the gospel, I know it's true.

In the name of Jesus Christ,


* In the Bible, in the book of Philippians in chapter 4 verse 13 it states: 13 I can do all things through aChrist which bstrengtheneth me.  Because of this scripture, I know I can do all things because Christ is always there and will strengthen me.

1 comment:

Family said...

I really appreciate this topic this week. I've been really thinking about getting a priesthood blessing, because I've been struggling. Thank you for sharing that, because it really made me feel better.
Love Ya!
Grace Emery