Sunday, May 11, 2014

In Honor Of Mothers Day...

"May each of us treasure this truth."
I have had many great experiences this week that I wish to share with all of you at one point in time, however I feel the strong need to share with you today about the importance of mother's on this fine Mother's day. I want to start out by saying thank you to each mother that reads this. Every mother every where, no matter her position in her family; weather she be divorced, widowed, struggling with addiction, etc., Every single one of you deserves to be told thank you. I want you to know that you are important and your impact on every one around you, especially the impact on your kids, is one that only you can have. Mothers share a bond with each of their children that only they can have with them. A mother's bond with her child is of up most importance. While I know that in some circumstances this bond isn't easy to have, or it may not be possible at this time, I know that your child still loves you. I know that the role of motherhood is a sacred calling from Heavenly Father. "You are a child of God who He entrusted to your mother’s care, her hands substituted for God’s as she bandaged a skinned knee or wiped away your tears." Therefore, when you are a mother, you are caring for a spirit straight from Heaven and it is your responsibility to help that child grow and become like the Savior. You are stepping in for Heavenly Father while that child is on earth. It is your job as mom (and dad, but we are focusing on moms today) to be a teacher, a heart ache healer, a care giver, a secret keeper, a best friend, a shoulder to cry on, etc. It is your sole responsibility to be what your child needs you to be for them, and also for you to be what your Heavenly Father needs you to be to watch and care for His child. I want to share with you this short video about mothers. Click Here

 Now I want to share with you some quotes about Mother's:
"Mothers are endowed with a love that is unlike any other love on the face of the earth."               -Marjorie Pay Hinckley. A mother's love is one of the most powerful and unconditional things on this earth. A mother carries her child for 9 months in the womb, and that child knows its mother even before it is born. There is a bond between mother and child that is unlike any other.
"There are few things more powerful than the prayers of a righteous mother." -Boyd K. Packer. How true this is, that a mother's prayer for her child is one of the most sacred and powerful things. And it's because of that bond she has with her child and that love mentioned in the quote above.
 "All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother." -Abraham Lincoln Like it said in the video, our mothers are our biggest cheerleaders. We owe everything to them, from allowing us to come to earth, from running us to all the places we need to be throughout our childhood, to making us food when we are hungry, teaching us to read, to walk, etc. Everything we are is because of our angel moms.
"There is no limit to what a mother can accomplish. Righteous women have changed the course of history and will continue to do so." -Julie B. Beck Moms can do anything.

For those of you who are not yet a mother, or who do not have biological children, this is possible for you too. Just because you may not have children of your own yet, does not mean it will not happen. Weather it be in this life or the next: you will be a mother someday too. And what's stopping you from being a mother now? You do not need to have your own children to be a mother figure in a child's life. I know that it must be extremely difficult for some of you that want children of your own and it's not possible at this time; but I want you to know that you are still appreciated and you are a mother still. Chances are you have children all around you and you are seen as a "second mom" in a child's life in someway. I know being a "second mom" may not be ideal, but if you do not have children of your own for whatever reason, it is because Heavenly Father has a plan for you and you need to have faith in him and trust him that in the end everything will be okay. Heavenly Father knows you and loves you and wants you to be able to have all the opportunities that you want to have (as long as they are good) and he will bless you with them in some way at the right and appropriate time. I beg of you to not give up hope and to stand strong. I love you, and Heavenly Father loves you. Don't quit.

 I want to take a moment and thank the two most important and significant moms in my life. My mom and my mom's mom: my grandma! These 2 women have blessed my life every single day since the day I was born, and even before that. I am lucky enough to live only 4 houses away from my grandma, so I can see her whenever I want. This has blessed my life being able to have such a close relationship with her and being able to learn more about my mom from listening to my grandma's stories. My grandma is able to be there for all my dance performances and my successes in school, and for everything I need her there for. She sews my clothes when they rip and is my personal seamstress for my dresses so that I can be comfortable and modest so that I can always have the Spirit with me. She is such a great support to me and I cannot express in words how thankful I am to her for all she does for me and that she raised my mom to be the mom she is to me.

My mom is my very best friend. I know I can tell my mom anything and she will still love me no matter what I have done and she will help me learn and help me fix my mistakes. I know that my mom does so much for me every day, from stopping whatever she's busy doing to allow me to come home for lunch to spend 45 mins with just me and her to help me to keep going on my day, to allowing me to have parties at our house, to making the effort to know my friends and let them know that they are welcome and loved at our house, to staying up late to wait for me to come home and tell her about my night's adventure, to teaching me how to cook, to teaching me how to care for children, to teaching me how to use money wisely, to everything: I owe it all to my mom. My mom is my superhero. My mom is always there for me: and makes it possible for me to chase my dreams and be successful. She takes time from her busy schedule to bring me the things I forgot for school, to run me to my many jobs and dance classes, she does it all. Why? Because she loves me. I cannot express in words how much I love my mom and how much I appreciate her and every single thing she does for me. And to top it off: she doesn't just do this for me, she does it for all 5 of her kids! I have no idea how my amazing mom has the time to do all these things for every single one of us, have an amazing and strong relationship with my dad, clean the house, do the shopping, do the laundry, and make dinner every night. She is my cheerleader at every concert, she has been my nurse since I was born, she is my rock and my constant. She is my example of everything I want to be. She taught me the gospel along with my dad since the day I was born. It is because of her strong testimony that I am the young woman I am today. It is because of my mom that I want to be married in the temple, it is because of my mom that I know that if I work hard: all my dreams will become a reality. It is because of my mom that I know I want to be a mom someday too, and not just any mom: I want to be just like her. I hope and pray that when it is time for me to be a wife and mother that I can be half the mom she is to me every single second. I love my mom with all my heart, and I hope that she knows that. I want to share my testimony with her,  because she helped me build it:

I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true. Without a shadow of a doubt: I know it. I know that Joesph Smith is and was a prophet. I know that he faithfully restored the gospel on the earth today. I know that power of the Priesthood has been restored on the earth today, and that my Dad is a worthy holder of the Priesthood. I know that the blessings of the priesthood are from God and that it is his power given to his faithful and worthy sons to bless and heal each of us. I know that the Book of Mormon is the most correct and true book ever written and it has changed my life and will change the life of any who read it. I know that our Savior came to earth, He lived, and He died for us. I know that he felt every single pain, sorrow, heart ache, and every single emotion for every single person who does live, who has ever lived and who will ever live. I know that the power of the atonement is real and unshakable. I know that it is open to every single person who has faith in the Savior. I know that because of the atonement I am never ever alone and I can do all things through Christ because of His strengthening power. I know that my family will be together forever and all eternity if we live worthy lives because my parents were sealed in the temple. I know that Thomas S. Monson is the true and living prophet of the church today. I know that he receives revelation directly from Heavenly Father and he knows how to adequately lead us to be like the Savior so that we can all return to live with our Father in Heaven and our Savior forever. I love the gospel with all my heart and soul. I know these things are true. I know I am not perfect and I still have far to go in this life, and much to learn, but I know I these things are true. I know it, without question.
It is because of you mom, that I know these things. It is all because of you mom. I love you mom. Happy Mother's Day!

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen


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