Sunday, September 28, 2014

Being A Light To The Nations Can Be Simple

Shine :)
In The LDS Church, you always here the phrase: "Arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard to the nations." (Doctrine and Covenants section 115 verse 5) or "Let your light so shine before men that they might see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven." (Matt. 5:16) What do these phrases mean? What light? How do I shine? Have you ever wondered these things? Well today I want to share with you my testimony about these things and I want to share a Mormon Message with you as well.

Let's start with the question: "What light are these phrases talking about?" The light mentioned in these phrases (or verses) is not a physical light like a flash light or a light in the ceiling. The light mentioned here is a spiritual light; The Light Of Christ. Now you may ask: "What is the Light Of Christ?" tells us "The Light of Christ is the divine energy, power, or influence that proceeds from God through Christ and gives life and light to all things. The Light of Christ influences people for good and prepares them to receive the Holy Ghost. One manifestation of the Light of Christ is what we call a conscience. Conscience is a manifestation of the Light of Christ, enabling us to judge good from evil." To me the Light of Christ is a way of having Christlike attributes.* To read more about the Light of Christ Click here.

The next question that you are probably asking is: "How can I be a light or how can I share/shine my light?" First you need to know that every single person has the Light of Christ. We are all born with it. Some people just show it more than others. Some people don't know they have the Light of Christ so they don't know how to share it. I want to share with you a story of a young man who figured out how he could make a difference and how he could share the Light of Christ. Click here to watch the video about Brandon.
Now, you don't need to go to a third world country to share the Light of Christ: but you can serve others. I believe that is one of the biggest ways we can share and shine our Light from Christ. When you are serving others you are doing what Christ has asked you to do and you are doing physically what Christ cannot do, that you must do for Him. Christ sends His spirit to whisper to you promptings of how to help His people and you must act. Christ cannot make you do anything: you must choose to follow His guidance. When you choose to follow Christ and be an example and help His people, you are sharing His light.

The final question: "What do these phrases/verses mean? or How can I apply them to my life?"
I believe that these verses can be applied to our lives quite easily. All we have to do is live them. By this I mean: recognize that you are a son/daughter of our Living Father in Heaven and He sent His Son Jesus Christ to live and die for you. Recognize His Light in your life; realize you have that light inside of you and you can share it too. Then "Get on your feet and work." Share the gospel and serve those around you. It is really very simple to serve. Service doesn't always have to be some great big project. Service can be all the little things. A simple smile, a simple wave, simply picking up a friend from school and driving them home, simply listening to someone talk about their hard day, etc. These are acts of service too and they will help you shine your light as well. And in the end: all the little things that you do to serve others add up to all the big things. Some of those little things will be the things that people never forget about you; they will be the things that people will always appreciate.

In closing I want to share a short video about how a young girl shared the Light she was given and how it changed someone's life. I really look up to this young girl, and although I do not know her personally: she is an example to me of something I want to become. All because she shared her light, and in a very simple way. Click here to watch.

I just want to say I know that The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is true. I know that with all my heart, I love it with all my heart and that is why I try to share the Light Of Christ that I have been blessed with. That is why I have this blog, that is why I read my scriptures, that is why I talk to my friends about the gospel. I know it is true and I know the happiness it brings me is eternal happiness and it is happiness that cannot be found any other place and that is why I want to share it with you every week. I want you to have it too. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love you with all their heart and want you to be happy. Let the truthfulness of the gospel bless your lives forever like it has mine.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


*Christlike attributes: I just love this short video and if you are wondering what some attributes of Christ are this video answers that question. Watch here.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

You Never Know The Impact You Have

You never know the impact you have. 
Spend your time in service to others doing the Lord's work.
Today I just want to share something that ties into what I shared 2 weeks ago entitled: "Parent to Child Relationships". I don't think this video was available when I shared that message so I want to share it now. Although this video is specifically about a mom and her children I believe it can relate to all of us. This message tells us that "we often do not see the affects of our work and how they bless the lives of those around us." This can often be discouraging and make us feel useless and like no one really cares: when in fact they do care, and they care a lot. You may never know the impact your example has on others and how much they may look up to you. Sometimes it takes the eyes of an "outsider" to our problems to help us see the good we did that day. Listen and accept their compliments/comments because you are doing good.

This video is based off a talk for the women of the church, however I know that it can be for everyone because I know that at times we all feel this way. Like no one cares or notices all we do. I promise you that your efforts are recognized and very much appreciated. Do not give up. Do not quit doing the work you do for others. You may never know how much they appreciate and need you, but Heavenly Father sees that work you do for others and He will bless you immensely for it.

I just want to say to anyone who thinks all they do is a waste and no one cares: You matter. I care. You are amazing and I know that you are working hard. We just happen to live in a time where people are less thankful and less willing to express their thanks out loud. I want to say thank you however. I want you to know that I am thankful for your example and hope that I can be an example too. To parents especially who feel that between work, callings, family, etc. there is no time to do all you need to do everyday: remember to make God your priority and He will make sure that the things that need to get done every day get done. This may not be what you think needs done, but it is what Heavenly Father needs done to help His children. Follow the promptings of the spirit and you will be able to continue to do great things. Thank you to everyone who does anything to help others. You are making the world a better place.

I just want to close with the video: "You Never Know" Click here to watch.

"Many of you think you are failures. You feel you cannot do well, that with all of your effort it is not sufficient. We all worry about our performance. We all wish we could do better. But unfortunately we do not realize, we do not often see the results that come of what we do. You never know how much good you do." -President Gordon B. Hinckley (Oct. 2003- Excerpts from: To The Women Of the Church)*

In The Name of Jesus Christ,


*This talk is amazing and if you want to read the whole thing: Click here.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

God Loves Broken Things

Give God your Broken things. He will make them beautiful.
Today I wanted to share a short sweet message, with a song. Today I want to testify that being "broken" is not a bad thing, in fact it means you're are strong and beautiful. God uses broken things to teach us lessons, and to make little things glorious. Us being broken is sort of like God's way to help us become glorious like Him. It is His way of allowing us to come unto Him.
 The lyrics to "Broken" by Kenneth Cope are as follows:

"Broken clouds give rain
Broken soil grows grain
Broken bread feeds man for one more day
Broken storms yield light
The break of day heals night
Broken pride turns blindness into sight

Broken souls that need His mending
Broken hearts for offering
Could it be that God loves broken things?

Broken chains set free
Broken swords bring peace
Broken walls make friends of you and me
To break the ranks of sin
To break the news of Him
To put on Christ till His name feels broken in

Broken souls that need His mending
Broken hearts for offering
I believe that God loves broken things

And yet our broken faith, our broken promises
Sent love to the cross
And still, that broken flesh, that broken heart of His
Offers us such grace and mercy
Covers us with love undeserving

This broken soul that cries for mending
This broken heart for offering
I'm convinced that God loves broken me

Praise His name, my God loves broken things."

I just want to testify that God does in fact love "broken" things. I know that if we can come to realize that we are broken without Him, He will mend our hearts so we are no longer broken. I know that we all suffer from breaks. I know that no matter what the break is, no matter how big or small: our Savior can mend our broken, and through our broken moments we can learn and become more like Christ. There is nothing wrong with being broken. There are two talks I want to share. Both from Jeffery R. Holland (Quorum of the 12 Apostles). The first: "Like a Broken Vessel" and the second: "Broken things to mend. You can either read or listen to these talks.* Being broken can bring to pass beautiful, wonderful things. Heavenly Father still loves you with all His heart. Don't give up. I know that these words are true.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


*Like a Broken Vessel: Click here (This is the "highlight" version-listen to the whole thing by clicking on the link under the video.)
*Broken Things To Mend: Click here

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Parent to Child Relationships

TIME: our family relationships take TIME.
Today I am going to share some thoughts I had today while I was in a combined meeting at church today. I am going to do this a little differently than I have before. Today I am going to do bullet points and then elaborate on them individually rather than do paragraphs. I am hoping that this way I will be able to more clearly let you see my thoughts and it will be less confusing.
TOPIC: FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS-with focus on Parent to Children

  • #1: PARENTS AND CHILDREN: TEAM! Our families are our team. There is so "I" in team. In order to work together and build strong healthy relationships we need to work together. You cannot do this alone, everyone (I repeat) EVERYONE must do their part and be involved. As with any team: if you work hard together, you win together. If even just one person isn't doing their part: the whole thing falls apart: there is no way to win when everyone doesn't do their part and work together.
  • #2: PARENTS: Do you ask your children what you can do better as their Mom/Dad? Do they realize that being a family is a TEAM effort? Parents and children need to remember that there was no "guidebook" handed out for being a perfect parent. Raising a family is new to you (as the parent) and you are learning just as the children are learning. As the parent, take time to ask your children what they think you can do better and let them know what they can do better. This will help build trust, and help your children realize that you're not trying to be "over-authoritative" when they are punished, but you are trying to help them learn and grow too. Explain that you are trying to learn as you go because you as a parent have never done this before so you will make mistakes too.  
  • #3: CHILDREN: remember your parents love you with all their hearts. They need you to come to them with problems because no matter what you think: your parents cannot read your mind. Learn to trust your parents. They are not the "bad guy." Remember they are learning and will make mistakes: be willing to forgive them. Your parents are your biggest fans and they want to be there: let them. 
  • #4: PARENTS AND CHILDREN: Are you really listening? Children, when your parents are trying to teach you, listen to them. They really do know what they are talking about: trust them. Parents, when your children come to talk to you, do you listen? Do you realize how valuable that moment is? When your children come to you: you need to learn to drop what you are doing and listen. I understand that there is a lot to be done and there is never enough time to get it all done, but do all those things really matter when your child comes to you willing to talk? That is a precious moment and I plead with you to take advantage of that. Put the electronics down, turn off the TV, ignore the ringing cell phone: your child needs you right now. Listen. Give them your complete and full attention. (This will also teach them to listen to you.) And listen completely before trying to answer their questions and help them. And Fathers especially: look at your child as a person to be loved, never a problem to be solved. 
  • #5: PARENTS: Hold meetings with your children. I know this sounds silly, but do it! Try for at least once a month, or more if you feel you can do it and need it. This will build trust in both parent and child. This will help you learn to talk more openly, and more willingly with one another. This will give you an opportunity as a parent to ask your child about school, friends, dating (if they are of age), worries, fears, problems, stresses, projects, extra-curricular activities, wants, needs, dreams, hopes, etc. This will help you to understand your child individually and your child will be able to understand you too. Now don't make this a burden for your children. Make it something they look forward too. Let it be an enjoyable and a trust building time. Do not over react when your child opens up to you and tells you something that may be upsetting. This is their time to talk to you: let them talk and really listen. Help them reach a solution. Never get angry and yell as this will cause your child to not open up to you, and not trust you with "secrets" of theirs.
  • #6: PARENTS AND CHILDREN: What is your priority and how are you letting others know what it is? What do you care most about? Hobbies? Work? Extended family? Friends? Social Life? Church Callings? Or do you care most about the eternal salvation of your own family and the relationships you hold there? Brothers and Sisters I beg you to evaluate your own life and see where your priories lie. Do they lie in the cares of the world? Or do they lie within the bonds of your own home and the gospel? I plead that if you see your life is over-run with things of the world and you are in need of some "Priority" family time, to make that change as quickly as you can in your life. There is no other relationship that is of more value than that of the bonds within your own home. Where do your priorities lay and do your family and friends know where they lay so they can respect them and help you strengthen them?
  • #7: PARENTS AND CHILDREN: How do others around you know what is most important to you? If you say your family is the most important thing in your life, but you spend all your time with your friends and you are never spending time with your family, or you only spend time with your family after much arguing and you are only doing so grudgingly: Is your family really your priority? Or if you come home from work or school and then you spend all your time on your phone, laptop, or gaming devices and you ignore everything around you; is your family really your priority? How are you showing others what's of most value to you?
  • #8: PARENTS AND CHILDREN: "Mother, Father: Are you there? Grandma, Grandpa: are You there?" Children, are you letting them be there? To sum this up: watch this sweet video entitled: Parenting: Touching The Hearts of Our Youth from Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles. 
I just want to say that I know this church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, is true. I know it. I know that families are the most important thing in our church, of which The Plan Of Happiness is based off of. I know that these things which I have shared today are true and if we apply them in our lives we will be able to have stronger relationships within our families: relationships that Satan can never tear apart. Home will become our Heaven and our harbor from the storm. I know it. 

In Jesus Christ Glorious Name, 
