Sunday, December 28, 2014

Happy New Year!!

He will catch you if you fall: Just have faith to Leap! 
Christmas is now over, and now we are all facing the start of a new year: 2015! I am very excited and very nervous about 2015 because this year is going to bring a lot of change in my life as it is the year I will graduate high school, (maybe) move out, go to college, and really take off on my own. As I look toward this New Year it is very scary, but very exciting. This year will be the year of choices and moving forward to the things God has in store for me. It's going to take a lot of faith and trust in Him: because I am terrified to grow up. However, I know that I can do hard things because The Lord will be by my side. I need to trust Him, and go the direction He has chosen for me; building my faith in Him. I will need to look ahead, not back. No matter how scary it may seem: I can't "look back" I must have faith and look forward; trusting that what God has in store for me is bigger and better than I can imagine. I need to remember that He loves me, and He will help me.

In thinking about this: I wanted to share this video I found with you. It's called: New Year's: Look Not Behind Thee

Now I know that none of us are perfect and we will inevitably mess up: but remember, Everyday is the beginning of the rest of your life. Everyday is the start of a "New Year." Remember God loves you: and through the Atonement, we can be forgiven, and the Atonement can enable us to be better and come closer to Christ, following the path He has set for us. I know it's not always easy, and sometimes we have to "fall before we can fly" but trust in God that He knows what He is doing and His path is the right path: the way to true happiness and success. As you think about your new year ahead of you: remember to trust in Him, and to have faith to leap. He is there, and He will catch you if you fall. I know this is true. I know He loves you. Please remember Him, and pray and match your goals for yourself with the goals and dreams He has for you too. I know it will be worth it in the end. Don't give up: and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

In the name of Jesus Christ,


Sunday, December 21, 2014

Christmas Is Here

Enjoy a Christ Centered Christmas This Year
As you are all aware: Christmas is finally here. 4 days from now we will all be waking up to our Christmas mornings, unwrapping presents, and probably thinking of ourselves. This Christmas however: let's try and have a Christmas much like this young man's experience. Click here

This Christmas please remember why we are here, why Christmas is such an important holiday, why we celebrate, etc. Please: take time to make Christmas about "more Christ." Please remember Him, and celebrate Him. After all: It is His Birthday. Without Him: There would be no Christmas. Make this Christmas, and every Christmas to follow: a Christ Centered Christmas. Don't let Him be an after thought. Make Him the priority, the reason why you wake up on Christmas morning so excited.

I know He is the reason I am here. I know that Christmas is the day we celebrate His birth: and I wouldn't want it any other way. Keep Him in Christmas, and I know you will be blessed and your love for Him, His life, and His sacrifice will increase greatly. I know He loves you. Show Him this Christmas how much you love Him.

Merry Christmas everybody. Have a fun and safe holiday filled with Christ.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Spirit of Christ(mas)

This week I wanted to quickly share a short experience and video.

Normally I work on Saturday mornings and I come home exhausted; but this week I had Saturday off for various reasons. Since I didn't have work, I got to do other things. This week I decided that I would go Christmas shopping for my friends. My older sister said she would go with me so we could have some sister time. I was excited for this. We thought we would be able to accomplish our goals quite easily and that it wouldn't take us but an hour and a half, at max. Almost 3 hours later, we were sitting in Walmart, frustrated and far from our goal. As we sat and discussed our goal and our game plan of how to get to the "finish line," we just got more frustrated. Eventually we figured things out, after shopping and being frustrated for almost 4 hours.

Now I wish to share a video with you. The video is entitled: The Christmas Spirit.

I came across this video today while I was trying to decide what I needed to share today. I felt I needed to share my experience, and this video to let you know that I am not perfect either. I feel like sometimes as I write these posts to share with you that it may seem that I think I'm perfect. I am not, and I want you to know that I know that. I am trying just like you, to draw closer to Christ everyday. I think that I was meant to find this video today, for myself, and maybe for someone else too. I know I needed to see this video to remind me of what I had forgotten yesterday at Walmart, amid all the shoppers and busy hustles of Christmas time: I had forgotten what Christmas is really all about. I had forgotten that it's not about all the gifts, and toys. I had forgotten Christ.

As we think about Christmas and the things we are doing to celebrate this season, are we like the young girl in the video? Who amid all the stresses of Christmas, knew what Christmas is really all about and quietly thought about, and celebrated Christ? Or are we as the other members of her family?  (Siblings fighting, and talking abut what they want for Christmas or Parents discussing financial problems and worries about giving their kids the Christmas they want, but not having the money to do that, etc.) To the siblings out there who are dreaming of their presents under the tree, did you know that the greatest gift of all isn't under your tree? To the parents out there struggling with money, or other family problems: did you know that the greatest part of Christmas isn't wrapped in a bow, or bought with money? The greatest gift isn't something that needs to stress or worry you.
The greatest gift of Christmas is CHRIST.  

In closing I just want to say that I love Christmas, because of Christ. I love Christmas because it means I get to celebrate His birth and life. I love Christmas because of what He means to me. If you don't know what He means to you: I challenge you to find out during this season of Christmas. I invite you learn of Him. To praise Him, and to let His love change you as He has changed me. I invite you to come with me and see. I invite you to CHRISTmas. I know He loves you. Merry Christmas. 

In the name of Jesus Christ,


Sunday, December 7, 2014

What Shall We Give?

What can you do?
Today I want to share a very short message and a video with you. The video is entitled: "What Shall We Give?" It is from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. When I saw this video it made me want to run out and serve everyone I saw. This video goes along with what I shared last week about having more Christ in Christmas. This video is all about serving others and how we can do our part to take just a minute to make a difference in the life of someone else. All it takes is a simple smile, and lending a hand: letting others know that someone cares. All it takes is loving others as Christ would love them. I know that this Christmas can be absolutely amazing if we let it. All it takes is "more Christ." I am challenging you to help me this Christmas in having "more Christ" by lending that extra hand, taking just a few more minutes to tell someone you care, or simply smiling and giving a sincere compliment. Pray for the opportunity to serve and it will come. Keep your eyes wide open and you will see what Heavenly Father needs you to see: and you will serve His children by His spirit. You will be the instrument He needs you to be for Him. Open your eyes and ask yourself: "What can I give this Christmas?" And really think about all you can give: and get out there and do it. Give yourself a challenge. I know that through our help, "more Christ" will be felt this Christmas. I know we can be the difference Heavenly Father needs us to be to all His children. I love this gospel and know it's true.
In the name of Jesus Christ,

What Shall We Give? video