Sunday, January 25, 2015

I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go

"Am I willing to go where The Lord wants me to go?"
I'll go where you want me to go, dear Lord,
Over mountain or plain or sea;
I'll say what you want me to say, dear Lord;
I'll be what you want me to be.

These words, from a hymn entitled "I'll go where you want me to go" have been ringing through my thoughts this past week, all the while making me think about my journey here on earth; where I have been, where I am currently, and where I will be going in the future: Especially in the next year, with my newly announced decision to serve a full time mission for the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints. 

This week in Seminary* my teacher shared a story that touched my heart and inspired me to work my hardest to be the best missionary I can be; this is a story that will stay with me forever. This story (a true story from church history) is of a man named John Tanner. John Tanner had faced some extremely hard things in his life, but was healed (through his faith) by a faithful missionary, named Jared Carter, by the power of God. John Tanner went onto do great things and help the struggling saints, in the beginning period of the restoration, with unwavering faith. I want to share his remarkable and touching story with you today. (Watch this video) Treasure in Heaven: The John Tanner Story  

Because of faithful missionaries who trust the Lord and His power, missionaries like Jared Carter I am inspired to do better, to be the best I can be, to trust The Lord more fully, and to go where He wants me to go. I know it will not be easy: but I know that the work I will do will be the work The Lord needs me to do: the work that will greatly effect generations to come, the work of The Lord. 

In closing I want to share this video: I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go and as you watch this video ask yourself: "Am I willing to go where The Lord wants me to go?" 

I testify that if we trust Him, and we are willing to do His will, and go where He wants (and needs) us to go: We WILL be blessed with blessings greater than any we can imagine. I know it's not easy, but I KNOW He will never leave us alone, He will always provide a way and with faith: we can do all things through Him. I know it, and I love it. 

In the name of Jesus Christ, 

*Seminary is a worldwide, four-year religious educational program for youth ages 14 through 18. It is operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints but is open to teenagers of all faiths.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

An Announcement

Anthony and I after his Farewell

This week I want to share with you a message and an update of sorts of where this blog will be going. I have a very exciting announcement to share with you all this week. This is something that is changing my life. Something I never thought I would be doing. Something that was inspired and I know is right. 
Let me start with saying thank you to my cousin Anthony. One, because this post was inspired by him, and second because he has been such an example to me and I will miss him as he goes to serve a mission in Mozambique, Maputo Africa. The people there will be truly blessed. Anthony made the choice to graduate early so that he could go and serve The Lord. I really look up to him and his strength to make this decision in his life. 
As I was with Anthony this weekend, (He had his farewell this weekend before he leaves on his mission for 2 years) I found this video and wanted to share it with all of you. This video is about serving LDS missions. It is entitled: A Day For Your Mission 
I love this video as it tells how sometimes leaving to serve a mission isn't so easy. Sometimes there are a lot of things, besides family, that you have to choose to leave, and risk loosing opportunities for. It is a very scary choice for some people. Anthony chose to leave high school early and put furthering his education on hold so that he could serve his Elder Brother, our Savior Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. What an amazing example he is to me. 

With being with my family this weekend for Anthony's farewell, I wanted to share with them a very special announcement and now I want to share it with you: 

  I have decided to go serve a full time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints. I plan on going to a semester of college in the fall and leaving on my mission around Christmas 2015! I am so excited for this opportunity in my life, and although I am scared, have to leave nursing and dance behind, and put school on hold: I am ready to do this for my Savior. After all He has done and gone through for me, the least I can do for Him is "put my life on hold" for 18 months and serve a mission to spread the truth of the gospel for His true church. I know that the LDS church is the only true church and I cannot wait to share that message with the people I will serve. I know it won't be easy, but I know it is worth it and I know that with God on my side I can do anything I am asked. I know it will be an amazing experience and it will bless my life, and my family's life for generations to come. I know that I will change lives by the power of God and that serving a mission will be one of the very best decisions I have ever made. I know it's true. 

In the name of Jesus Christ, 


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Tender Mercies From The Lord

His Tender Mercies are already there, we just need to recognize them and give thanks.
This past week I have had a lot of simple and special (to me) experiences regarding the gospel and strengthening my testimony of The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. From answers to prayers, to help in stressful situations at work, to happiness when I didn't think I could be happy, to simple "Samantha I just wanted to say I'm here for you" messages from friends and family: The Lord has truly blessed me with many Tender Mercies.

What is a tender mercy? The LDS church defines a tender mercy as follows: “The Lord's tender mercies are the very personal and individualized blessings, strength, protection, assurances, guidance, loving-kindnesses, consolation, support, and spiritual gifts which we receive from and because of and through the Lord Jesus Christ” -David A. Bednar, April 2005 general conference. In Seminary we define tender mercies as: "Something that made your day better. Something that you know God helped you with. Something that made you feel the Spirit. Something that strengthened your testimony of The Savior and His love for you."

Now that we know what a Tender Mercy is, can you have Tender Mercies too? Of course you can!! Did you know that you are already receiving them? You just have to open your spiritual eyes and see them. Tender Mercies are for all of God's children, and since we are all of God's children: Every single one of us can experience these beautiful tender mercies. All you have to do, is look for them and give thanks for the small simple things. At first it may be hard to see them, but I know that as you continue to look for and give thanks for these blessings, you will be able to see them more clearly and your life will be blessed for recognizing and being grateful for The Lord's hand in your life.

I want to share with you a video from David A. Bednar, from the quorum of the twelve apostles, called: Tender Mercies of The Lord. 

In closing I just wanted to express my thanks for the tender mercies I receive daily from my loving Savior. Through and from these blessing I know that He is truly there, He is truly aware of my situation, He knows exactly how I feel. He knows me personally. Because of Him I am never alone. He will always be there. I know that He loves me and I know that I love Him. Without Him I would be nothing. I am so thankful that I know this and I pray that you too can come to know this by recognizing His hand in your life by thanking Him for the beautiful tender mercies He sends your way. I know that He loves and knows you too. I know that by recognizing these simple sweet blessings, your life will be truly blessed and your relationship with your Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ will grow and grow into a strong beautiful testimony. Never give up.

I say these things humbly,
In the Name of Jesus Christ,


Sunday, January 4, 2015

Youth Theme: 2015

Go forth with faith serving Him.
Every start of a new year the LDS church comes out with a new theme for the Young Men and Young Women to focus on that year. Last year's theme was "Come Unto Christ." I shared multiple videos and shared multiple experiences and thoughts about this theme. 2015 has begun and the LDS church has released the youth theme for this year. "Embark in the Service of God." I love this theme because the LDS church is really focusing on "hastening the work" to share the truth of the restored gospel with everyone. We have been asked to focus on serving others, sharing our beliefs on social media, stand up for what we believe, etc. I have been trying my very best to do this, and by doing so: I have really felt the spirit of God, I've felt peace, and joy. This is the true restored gospel on the earth today and I want to share it with everyone. Let me start by sharing the theme song for this year. Click here to watch!

I am very excited for this year and all the opportunists it will bring me and my family. I am very excited to try harder to be a better disciple and to share my love for the gospel with many! I hope that this year you too can find ways to embark in the service of God and share the restored message of the gospel. I know it's true, and I love it!
