Sunday, March 15, 2015

How Do You...

Always remember Him by keeping His commandments 
This post is going to be short, but very important if we want to learn, repent and try harder to become like Him. I feel that the message I will share with the videos I have found will bless your life if you will truly open your heart and let the Spirit teach you. With that, I will start. 
Today I have two questions for you: 
1. How do you "Always remember Him (Christ)?" 
2. How do you show Him you "always remember Him?

Keep these questions in mind as you watch these two videos. 

Now think about the questions I asked at the beginning of this post. "How do you always remember Him?" and "How do you show Him you always remember Him?" 
I cannot tell you what the best way is for you to personally remember Him always, but I can testify that I know a way to help. Brothers and Sisters- choose the right and keep the commandments. The commandments are not there to "restrict" or make life harder. They are there to keep you safe and on the only path back to Heavenly Father. They are there to help you fulfil your divine roll in His plan, they are there to protect you, they are there are there because He loves you. 
I just want to bear testimony to you that I know that although it is not easy to keep the commandments all day every day, day after day, when the ways of the world frown down on you and your choice to be different, please remember this: I KNOW without a doubt of my mind and heart that the commandments are there because Heavenly Father is my Father, Jesus is my Elder Brother and they love me (and you) with every ounce in their bodies and they want to keep me (and you) safe, and that is why they have given me (and you) commandments. I know that in the end, it will all be worth it. I know this. And I hope and pray that as you choose to keep the commandments and remember Him every single day: you will come to know this too.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, 


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