Sunday, March 8, 2015

Lessons I learned this week!

He will guide you home. Follow where He leads.
This week I wanted to share with you a lesson I learned in Seminary that really made me think and helped me to build my testimony! (Also, shout out to my seminary teachers because they are simply the greatest and are a such great examples and teach me so much every time I talk to them. They are so amazing! So kids- take advantage of seminary and institute cause it will seriously bless and change your life for the better!!!)

Okay, so the lesson I wanted to share is about Zion's Camp. So first let me explain what Zion's camp is. The time period is when the saints are being persecuted in Jackson County Missouri. (1833-1844) Joseph Smith and some of the other saints were in Kirkland Ohio. Joseph Smith had received revelation that he needed to gather worthy and willing saints to go forth with him back to Jackson county to help the saints living there. This was to be called "Zion's Camp."

Zion's camp faced many trials of faith, contention with others, changed plans, and of course: many miracles and testimony building experiences. Zion's camp was not what they expected it to be. Although some say Zion's camp was a failure, it did not fail God's plan for these people. (Some say it was a failure because they were originally going to "fight" those harming the saints, but in the end they didn't have too. The reason for this is because God told them "For behold, I do not require at their hands to fight the battles of Zion; for, as I said in a former commandment, even so will I fulfil—I will fight your battles." (Doctrine and Covenants section 105 verse 14.)

Anyway, I wanted to share with you this video about Zion's Camp. This video has some great lessons in it that are applicable to many, many situations. During the movie I want you to write down at least five things you learned. Really read between the lines and ask yourself how this movie is applicable to you today. (Really this movie isn't just about Zion's Camp, it's about how we can over come challenges and trials and learn from experiences we have. It's about how we can choose to do as The Lord asks us to do.) Click here to start watching!

Now that you have watched the video, I wanted to share with you some of the lessons I learned.
1. Follow the Prophet. He truly does know the way because He communicates with God on behalf of the whole church.
2. Don't complain- it doesn't make anything easier for anyone. In fact, if you can learn to smile during the trial it will make it easier for you to bear the burden and it will make it easier for you to learn what God has to teach you.
(Now some lines I loved from the movie)
3. "I will lead you there and back again and not a hair on your heads shall be harmed." God will keep us safe if we choose to follow Him.
4. "You will see the movings of The Lord all throughout this journey." Everyday- if you look for God's hand, you will find it.
5. "The Lord will protect us. Stand still and see the salvation of God." Sometimes we need to take a step back and recognize God as our Father. We need to "stand still" and follow Him- He will protect us.
6. "God is in this storm." This is why my blog is called 'Dance through your storms' because with God, we can dance and find joy in this journey because God brought us to this, and He will bring us through this. He is truly in the storms of life and He will protect and guide us home.
7. Wait for a little season, for God will fight your battles for you. Have patience. Do as He directs.
8. "Your work is not yet done." No matter how much we have done with our lives, we are never finished. Work hard and do as The Lord asks of you. You have a divine work and glory here on earth.
And my final thought:
9. Zion's camp was to build and test the testimony and faith of His people. The quorum of the twelve apostles was called after Zion's Camp came back to Ohio. The Lord was preparing His servants. He is preparing (you) for greater things to come. Have faith in Him and know that He is God.

I just wanted to end with my testimony that I know that God knows what He's doing, and we must trust Him. All things are for our experience. (While some of our trials may be because of choices we have made, so we brought the trial to ourselves- if we choose to come back to Heavenly Father, we still gain experiences. Now I am not saying we need to make mistakes on purpose to gain experience, for God will give us the experience He needs us to have with the trials He has chosen for us.) Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us. He is there to bless and guide us and lead us safely back home to live with Him forever. I know these things are true.
In the name of Jesus Christ,


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