Sunday, April 19, 2015

Using My Phone For Good

Use yours to do His work today!
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Today I wanted to share with you a short video that I found a while ago. At first I thought: "Oh ya, I like the idea these young people have, maybe I'll try it sometime." But then I never did- that is, until this past week.
I study my scriptures every morning before I start my daily activities so that I can invite the spirit into my heart and mind to guide my actions and thoughts each day. This week, I decided that in addition to reading my scriptures, I would start listening to the General Conference talks as I got ready. At first, I felt a little awkward listening to talks instead of music in the morning, but I felt different. I was much happier and I felt peace. I felt as if I would be able to accomplish all the things God needed me to that day. I felt refreshed and ready. I never felt like this after listening to music. I felt great! I wanted to share it with everyone! My day ended up being great, so I did it again the next day. Although my day wasn't "perfect" that next day, I was much happier with the situation than I would have been had I not listened to the talk and studied my scriptures that morning. I decided I needed to share this great feeling and the great things I was learning in my mornings spent with the Savior.
I decided that I was going to start sharing my thoughts with my friend. As I pondered how to share these things without being awkward, my mind and thoughts were turned back to this video. Click here to watch "Texting Truth"
Just as the boys in the video decided to share their testimonies on their group text, I decided that I could very easily share my testimony using my phone. I decided that I would send my friend a text saying why I liked the scripture and quote from the talk I listened too, along with sharing the passages from both. As I nervously sent the message and waited for a reply, I felt instantly at peace. I knew I had simply shared my testimony and my beliefs, and that my friend would not be offended if he was a true friend. I knew that I had simply done what The Lord wanted and needed me to do.
As I got a text back from my friend, he said thank you and that he appreciated my efforts to share my testimony with him.
I also decided to share the talk I read on my Facebook page. I knew that if I simply shared a short testimony with the link to the talk, even if no one went and read the talk, that they would know where I stood, and that they would know where my priorities were and are.
As the week went on, I kept sharing my thoughts and testimony with him. I could feel my spirit being strengthen along with our friendship growing closer to God. Today, as I asked my friend what his thoughts were about me using my phone to share the gospel this was his reply: "The scriptures you shared were answers to my prayers. Answers to questions I was having. They were the things I feel  I needed to hear."
I just want to end saying that I know that even in the world we live in today, where there is pressure from every direction to do bad and use our technology for bad things, that there is good and we can do good: We must choose to seek the good and use the good things to brighten the lives of those we are around. I know that Heavenly Father will help us in our efforts to obey Him and share goodness with those we associate with. He will fill our mouths with the words that someone needs to hear. We will be able to be answers to prayers, and helps others with the questions and desires of their hearts to find the things Heavenly Father needs them to find. I know that while it may feel awkward at first, if we practice and learn how to simply share our testimony through a smile and quick "hello, how are you doing?" conversation; that it will eventually become a habit for us to share our testimonies always no matter where we may be, and Heavenly Father will be well pleased with us. We are His hands in the world today- we must use the resources we have be given to do His work. I know this is true, and I bear testimony that we can change lives for the better if we choose to use our technology for good. I challenge you to do good things with the technology you have. I know it will bless your life and change your life for the better.
Of this I testify, In the name of Jesus Christ,


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