Sunday, April 26, 2015

What Are You Doing With Your Talents?

What are you doing with your talents??
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Heavenly Father has blessed us each with many talents. Some of us can sing, some of us dance, some of us can cook, and some of us play the piano. Some of us has many talents, while others do not see their talents. We all have talents though. Some may just be more obvious than others. Some of us have the talent to listen, some of us the talent to teach, and even some the talent and gift of tongues. (This means you know how to speak many languages and it's not hard for you.) No matter what your talent is, you need to use it to serve the Lord. He blessed you with your talent and He needs you to use that talent to help His people. I want to share a video with you of a young boy who knew this principle of developing talents, and knew that The Lord needed him to use his talent to help the members of his ward. Click here to watch the short video.

I just wanted to bear my testimony that I know that we were all blessed with talents for a reason. We are given calling for a reason. Sometimes it's because you've got a talent that the ward is in need of, and sometimes it's because you've got the potential for a certain talent and the Lord needs to teach you and let you grow. No matter what it may be remember all callings are from God and that He knows what He's doing. Accept your calling, and trust Him. Use your talents for good! You will bless lives in ways you will never know. Don't give up. Follow Him. Don't hide your talents- share them and let them grow. Heavenly Father loves you!

In the name of Jesus Christ,


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