Sunday, May 3, 2015

Mother's Day is Coming!

Moms are amazing! 
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It's already May! Where has the time gone?! With it being May- a very special holiday is approaching and approaching very quickly! MOTHERS DAY is in 1 week! (May 10) This will be my last year at home (potentially) so I have been doing all I can to think of ways to show my mom I love her. This year I want my mom to know more than anything that I love her and I am so proud to be the daughter of such an amazing woman. I cannot wait to show my mother how much I love her and show her how thankful I am for all she has done and sacrificed for me and my family. As I have been looking through some things, I found this and I wanted to share this one minute video with you! Click here to watch.

I want to challenge you to find something special and simple you can do for your mom this week. Mom's are amazing! It's more than a full time job, with no pay, no breaks/holidays, no handbook, and many many endless requirements. You have to know everything. You have to be a teacher, a nurse, a scientist, a chef, a counselor, etc. but most of all you have to be everything your kids need you to be and I've been told that sometimes that's the scariest and hardest thing of all- yet they do it, and they love it. They love us endlessly, with a perfect love like Christ- even when we are a pain. Moms all over the world are doing it, and we- the kids need to stand up and say thank you mom. For everything you do because you amaze me in every single way.

What are you going to do to show your mom how much you love and appreciate her? How will you take time for mom?

I want you to know that God's plan for us is perfect- that He knows what He's doing. Mom's are essential to His plan, and without their divine guidance and purpose, we have nothing. Moms are amazing because God made them amazing. I know this is true. I love my mom more than anything and I all I ever want is to be like my mom someday. I hope I can be half the mom she is. I love you mom.

In the name of Jesus Christ,


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