Sunday, May 24, 2015

Give Thanks Often

How is your attitude? 
Dear Brothers and Sisters, 

This week I just wanted to share a quick thought about thanks. I have been reflecting a lot about my life and how far I have come already, and how far I yet have to travel in this life. I have been writing many letters of thanks to those who have played a major role in me getting to where I am today. I have been praying in earnest thanks for the many blessings I have thus far received and for all the help and angels I have been sent in this life. As I have been pondering all this, I wanted to challenge each of you reading this to stop and think about all the blessings you have. I want to challenge you to count your many blessings and to vocally give thanks for them. Weather it be in prayer or in a simple letter to a loved one: go and give thanks today. We are such a blessed people and we live in such an amazing time with so many opportunities. We need to open our eyes to see and our ears to hear. We need to be thankful for what we do have, and we need to learn to give. I know that Heavenly Father is pleased with us when we do these things. Thomas S Monson once said: "Ours is the responsibility to show our gratitude by the actions of our lives." So I ask you- how are you showing Heavenly Father every day, that you are thankful for His plan and this life He has blessed you with? Do you give thanks to Him daily? If not- I challenge you to do this. It will bless your life in so many ways, and you will see His hand in your life more easily. I know He loves each of us. Of this I testify. 

In the name of Jesus Christ, 


1 comment:

jjlove said...

An attitude of gratitude goes along way! THanks for the reminder of giving thanks, especially to those around us who may not know the influence they have had in our lives. I love reading your blog.