Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day!

I love you daddy! 

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Today I wish to say Happy Father's Day to all the different kinds of Father's and Father figures we have in our lives. I want to share a video with you about Fathers and Sons. (But I'm going to ask the daughters to include themselves in it too!)
Click here to watch the touching story of Dylan and His dad.

I would like to point out the 3 things Elder Ballard shared.
1. Trust your Father
2. Take an interest in your Father's life
3. Ask your Father for advice

I love these 3 points because I believe and know that if you use these "guidelines" in your relationship with your fathers (and mothers) your relationship will grow and increase so much! I know these things from experience. But we must remember that it is a 2 way street- Fathers (and mothers), you need to allow your child to trust you, take interest in your life, and ask you for advice. I believe, and know, that if you do these things for your child: the relationship will be even stronger. You both need to execute these 3 points in your life so that the relationship is stronger and equal effort is coming from both parties.

Now- with that being said I wish to share some experiences that will help prove my point of the importance of Elder Ballard's 3 points.
1. Trusting my Father- Once there was a time where I was certain that I was smarter than my dad. Everything he said was silly and "he had not a clue what was best for me." (doesn't every kid go through that?!) In reality, my dad knew what was best, and he was just trying to protect me from harm and heartbreak. As the months passed and I continued to ignore my dad, my relationship with him dwindled, and we never talked about important things. Now, looking back, after I have used the Atonement and I have learned more: I see that my dad was right all along. I see that if I would have just trusted my dad and did what he asked: I would have saved myself a lot of heartbreak and trouble.
2. Take an interest in your Father's life- My dad has a crazy life. He has a ton of crazy hobbies that I know nothing about. My whole life my dad has always had a project he'd be working on- usually it was a car/truck overhaul. At first, I would ignore this, seeing as I knew nothing about a car/truck. This is not my area of expertise. For a little while I thought this was a pain in the butt and that it was taking away from my time with my dad, and for a little while it did because I refused to help my dad. But one day I realized that my dad is always there to help me in my talents and hobbies so I needed to be there to help and support him in his. Because I made that change- our family has come closer together because now his trucks are starting to be a huge thing for us and we always go to car shows together, and teach about them together. Now we are always together in my dad's hobby.
3. Ask for your Father's advice- My dad's advice is some of my favorite advice. It's usually something that you have to think about and make it personal for you. However one of the best things I have ever learned from my dad is simple. "Learn to Love to Learn." My dad taught me this at a young age because he felt it was important for us to learn that we will be learning for the rest of our lives. Life is about learning, so we needed to learn how to love it- or be miserable forever.

These are just some simple examples with my own Father. I just want to say that I love my dad so much and I don't know where I'd be without him. I am so thankful for my dad and his example in my life. He has taught me so much about my Heavenly Father because of the way he lives his life. Because of the way my dad lives worthily every day- I can see my Heavenly Father. I am so thankful for the example that my dad has set for me, and for teaching me what kind of a man I should be looking for to marry someday. I am so thankful for my dad and love him with all my heart! I am so thankful for my Heavenly Father and that He always knows what's best for me and that He sent His son to die for me, and that He sent my dad to be my earthly Father. I know the church is true and I am so thankful for the priesthood and that my dad is worthy to bless my life with its power. I know this is the true gospel. Happy Father's Day! I love you daddy!
In the name of Jesus Christ,


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