Sunday, June 7, 2015

Some Experiences This Week

He will guide your paths- trust Him and listen to His voice.
Dear Family and Friends,

I want to start off with a video entitled: Trusting In The Lord

I wanted to share this video because this week- I had to learn to trust The Lord. My faith was tested, and strengthened as I was reminded that The Lord has a better plan for us than we have for ourselves.

This week was a crazy one. It was the first official week of summer for me. I had been looking for a job starting in early May, so that I could start work on June 1 (Monday). I had a job that was looking promising, but I still hadn't heard back from them, so on Monday I decided to go in and talk to them and see what was going on. I was told that I was not what they were looking for and that they would call me in 2 weeks to see if anything had changed. I really wanted this job- it seemed it was everything I was looking for, so feeling disappointed and heartbroken I walked out to my car trying not to cry. Thinking to myself the whole way home: "Heavenly Father, I really wanted this job. I loved everything about it. Why was I not good enough? I really need to start a job today. Now I'm back at square one. I don't know what to do anymore."  

When I got home, my mom suggested that I call around and see who was hiring in the field I was looking for. Not really in the mood to be let down again I put it off till that night. All the places I had wanted a job weren't hiring and I didn't want to work somewhere I knew wouldn't be a good experience. My sweet mom could see that I was feeling like I could never get a job. I had already been let down by a lot of places I wanted to work and I was done trying. So instead of waiting for me to come around, she tried to help me come around by helping me search online to find places near by that I could call and ask if they were hiring. Finally, at 6 o'clock at night, my mom found a place for me to call, and luckily they were still in the office. The sweet lady who answered the phone set up an appointment with me to have an interview the next morning! Feeling excited, but nervous I went and got my resume ready, and chose out my outfit for the interview. I also decided to learn as much as I could about the facility that I was interviewing at. The more I learned the more excited I got; this place seemed even better than the place I thought I was going to work at earlier that day! I was ready for this interview.

The next morning I got up, got ready and was about to depart for my interview, when suddenly I remembered I hadn't said my prayers or read my scriptures. Feeling like I could say a quick prayer and read later, I knelt down by my bed and asked Heavenly Father for help with this interview, and asked Him to please help me get this job. As I closed my prayer, I felt an overwhelming urge to read my scriptures. Looking at my clock I decided I had just a few minutes. Quickly I sat at my desk, and flipped open my Book Of Mormon to a random page. I scanned the page, and felt like I needed to go back a few pages, so I flipped backwards, and saw a page with some markings. Stopping to read what was written I came across a verse in 2 Nephi Chapter 4. Verses 20-24 which read:

20 My God hath been my support; he hath led me through mine afflictions in the wilderness; and he hath preserved me upon the waters of the great deep.

 21 He hath filled me with his love, even unto the consuming of my flesh.

 22 He hath confounded mine enemies, unto the causing of them to quake before me.

 23 Behold, he hath heard my cry by day, and he hath given me knowledge by visions in the night-time.

 24 And by day have I waxed bold in mighty prayer before him; yea, my voice have I sent up on high; and angels came down and ministered unto me.

Then my eyes skipped down the next marked verses. (34-35)

 34 O Lord, I have trusted in thee, and I will trust in thee forever. I will not put my trust in the arm of flesh; for I know that cursed is he that putteth his trust in the arm of flesh. Yea, cursed is he that putteth his trust in man or maketh flesh his arm.

 35 Yea, I know that God will give liberally to him that asketh. Yea, my God will give me, if I ask not amiss; therefore I will lift up my voice unto thee; yea, I will cry unto thee, my God, the rock of my righteousness. Behold, my voice shall forever ascend up unto thee, my rock and mine everlasting God. Amen.

These verses touched my heart and I felt very impressed that "God had supported me thus far, He wasn't going to abandon me now if I would put my trust in Him." Kneeling down again I prayed to Heavenly Father giving thanks for this reminder, for my scriptures and the way that they bring me answers. Giving thanks for Him and for the Gospel. Then I told Heavenly Father that I trusted Him. That if this was job I needed to have that I would be able to get it, and that if not- I would be okay. That I trusted Him to guide me to where I needed to be in His own time. Feeling peace in my heart and body I closed the prayer and stood up to go to my interview. I felt renewed and I felt confident. I could do this because I knew Heavenly Father knew what was best and He has power to do all things. I wasn't doing this alone.

About an hour later my prayers were answered as the lady interviewing me told me she had a really good feeling about me and hired me on the spot. She even started me working the very next day. Feeling over joyed as I walked to my car, I started to cry tears of gratefulness. As I sat in the drivers seat of my car I bowed my head and I gave thanks. I know it is because of Him that everything happened the way it did.

I just want to say to any of you who may be struggling in anyway: Trust in Heavenly Father. He loves you more than you know and once you trust Him: He will take you to unbelievable new heights in His own due time. And His timing is perfect, so don't be worried when things don't happen immediately. Trusting in the Lord means trusting in His timing too. I promise you that no matter how long you have to wait- no matter where the path leads that God takes you on: if you are with Him it is the right path and it will lead to eternal happiness.

I just want to close with my testimony that I know that God lives, and He knows each of us personally. He loves us with an unconditional love and He will guide us if we just put our trust in Him. We are never alone. Because of Him, anything is possible. I know that the scriptures are true, and if we read and study them we will find answers to our prayers. We will be able to find peace. I know that if we put God first, everything will fall into place or fall out of our lives. I am so thankful for the Gospel and the knowledge of the Atonement and it's ennobling power to do all things- and that because of the Atonement: I will never be alone.

I bear witness of these things,
In the name of Jesus Christ,


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