Sunday, November 1, 2015

What Is Being Said?

"What kind of a friend am I?" "What kind of friends do I have?"
Dear Family and Friends,

Today I want to share a thought with you that has been weighing on my mind lately. The thought is about friendship: "What kind of a friend am I?" "What kind of friends do I have?"

I talk to a lot of people, I get lots of advice from many different sources, and I ask Heavenly Father to help me be a better friend and know how to serve others and meet the needs of those around me so that I can keep my baptismal covenants (promises with God) to ease other's burdens and make them lighter. As I have been talking with others and helping them with problems, especially with my siblings, I have been wondering: "What kind of a friend am I?" "What kind of friends do I have?"

As I was pondering what to share this lovely Sabbath day I found this video and it perfectly fits my thoughts this week. Pay attention to the way these friends talk about each other and the things they share that strengthen their relationship with each other and with Heavenly Father. Click to watch: Sisters in Zion

In this video I noticed the women sharing things about others. Every single thing they said was loving, kind, uplifting, building, and heartfelt. Not once did they say anything degrading, tearing, unloving, or unkind. They were honest and they were seeking the goodness in each other. This is a friendship that will last forever; because while I'm sure these sisters have hard times and I'm sure they get upset with each other once in a while, I do not believe these sisters solve the problem with gossip. That is not the kind of friendship these sisters have, and they know it because they see the good in each other even when there is bad. The Spirit definitely guides this relationship to the Savior. They see the good qualities and ignore the weak ones- while still helping to make weakness' strong. In a world where it's easy to focus on things that don't really matter or that are not positive- they seek goodness and build each other up. So much so that the sisters in this circle of sisters love each other like family, and they truly know they are sisters.

Now I ask you to ponder this:
"What kind of a friend am I?" "What kind of friends do I have?" 

Do you gossip when things get difficult inside your circle of friends? Or do you talk things out and build each other up and closer to Christ? Do you seek goodness or do you seek bad? Truly ask yourself: "What kind of a friend am I?" "What kind of friends do I have?" If you see a problem, ask Heavenly Father to help you change. You cannot change others- focus on you and your example will inspire others to change too. Sometimes it's going to be painful but the change to come closer to God and help your friends and family come closer to Him will all be worth it in the end. 

I want to bear testimony that I know that the all the relationships we enjoy here on earth will be carried with us throughout eternity. (What kind of relationships do you want to have for eternity?- because eternity starts today!) I know that we are all Heavenly Father's children. He loves us infinitely and He will guide our efforts to love and serve others. Do not give up! He will help you- all you have to do is ask for guidance and push forward with faith. He will bless you. Be the friend you would like to have. Take time for others and let them know that you really care about them. Don't be afraid to say sorry and ask for Heaven Father's help to mean it. Share your testimony and beliefs with your friends too- you goal as a friend should be to do all you can to help your friends feel Heavenly Father's love and bring them closer to Him. You can do it, He will help you.

I know these things are true, In the name of Jesus Christ,


jjlove said...

Thanks again for the wonderful message- it is def one I needed and I am going to make sure I am the kind of friend I want to have. Your the best.

Unknown said...

"I didn't need to get to know her before I loved her." I love the message you shared about "What kind of friend am I"! This is so fitting for you to pray for and consider the needs of our fellow sisters by including this in our RS acitivity night - "Knitting our Hearts together in Friendship". Thanks for your message and you will be an incredible missionary!

Love ya,