Sunday, February 14, 2016

A Week of Tender Mercies

Hello my dear blog readers! 
How was your week?! I hope it was as delightful as mine, and if not: Hey! We've got a new week ahead and I'm sure it will be better! :) Just always remember whom your blessings come from and whom is our biggest advocate and cheerleader! Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ LOVE YOU!
Well let's get this post started shall we? I just want to say- this week was FULL of tender mercies!! I am full of gratitude and love for everything our Heavenly Father does for us. I know that looking for, writing down, and giving thanks for our tender mercies/ small and simple blessings helps us see life through the eyes of our Father, it helps us to look for ways for be a tender mercy for others, and it helps us to be happier! I want to challenge you to look for, write down, and give thanks for the tender mercies you see in your life every single day- it really will change your life and help you in so many ways! So let's get this post started! 

Monday- My amazing mom bought me 2 essential oils to try, which I didn't really think would help that much: but oh my goodness yes they do help more than I thought! I got Lavender and Peppermint oils- and they help me with my headaches and relaxation so I can sleep at night! I love them! 
Also one of my sweet friends was getting rid of clothes and shoes so she invited me over to pick out what I wanted- which was awesome cause I needed some flat shoes, and some cardigan shirts: but I don't have much money so I wasn't going to get anything anytime soon. Well guess what she was getting rid of?? Shoes and cardigans! I was set. She let me take as much/many as I wanted and it was SUCH a blessing. I am so thankful for giving friends who always think of others! Love you guys! 
Also on Monday- I had the amazing opportunity to visit the open house of the Provo City Center Temple. It was miraculous. I loved it! Thank you to my friends for taking me! :) I cannot wait to go here and do work for those who have passed on without it. Families are Forever because of these amazing temples! 
Provo City Center Temple 

Provo City Center Temple  
My best friend and I :) 

Tuesday- I knew I needed to go to the temple. I didn't however know how I was going to get there or if I'd have enough time. I promised my councilor I'd get to the temple before our next appt. (which is Wed. mornings) so today was my last shot. Monday night I felt very strongly I needed to go to the temple on Tuesday. I told Heavenly Father: "Okay- I want to go- but I'm not sure what's going on or if I'd have a car to get there. If I'm supposed to be there: please provide a way." 
Tuesday morning I woke up and my mom came down to see what I was going to do that day. She let me know that the only plans she had was folding laundry. (My mom is a very busy mom so the fact that she only had to fold laundry was awesome- maybe she could drop me off.) I told her I wanted to go to the temple, and she said "Well do you want to go? I'll go with you and we can see if Grandma wants to go too?" I was SO excited! YES! I told her and we quickly changed and got down to the temple. I wasn't sure why I was supposed to go that day- but I saw some friends that I thought "Maybe they needed to see me here today"Well, as the ceramonies I participated in went on- I had the opportunity to sit quietly and read my scriptures next to my mom and grandma. I didn't know where to read or what to read so I said "Heavenly Father I don't even know what I need any more, I'm not sure why I needed to be here today, but you do. Please take me where I need to be today." I opened my scriptures and I was in Alma 26. I didn't want to read a whole chapter- but felt if I would just start it I would know what I needed too. Verses 3-7 were exactly what I needed from Heavenly Father. 

" ... And this is the blessing which hath been bestowed upon us, that we have been made instruments in the hands of God to bring about this great work.

 4 Behold, thousands of them do rejoice, and have been brought into the fold of God.

 5 Behold, the field was ripe, and blessed are ye, for ye did thrust in the sickle, and did reap with your might, yea, all the day long did ye labor; and behold the number of your sheaves! And they shall be gathered into the garners, that they are not wasted.

 6 Yea, they shall not be beaten down by the storm at the last day; yea, neither shall they be harrowed up by the whirlwinds; but when the storm cometh they shall be gathered together in their place, that the storm cannot penetrate to them; yea, neither shall they be driven with fierce winds whithersoever the enemy listeth to carry them.

 7 But behold, they are in the hands of the Lord of the harvest, and they are his; and he will raise them up at the last day." (Emphasis added)

I was reminded that I had given The Lord everything I could- He accepted it and now I needed too. I answered the call to go, and I gave my all- I thrust in the sickle, I labored with all my might, I did reap with all my might, and I sure did plant seeds. Even if all I see right now is the dirt, I know those seeds are there and so does The Lord and someday they WILL grow. My efforts were not wasted. I did the work He called me to do, and now it is in the hands of The Lord. I have to trust Him. This was an answer to all my prayers for weeks. The Lord truly is merciful. If I did not go to the temple that day- I probably still wouldn't have my answer: and it's all because of my amazing mom who followed the voice of the Spirit and took me to the temple. I love Her and her amazing example. Thank you mom.
Provo Temple With my mom and Grandma! 

Wednesday- I went to the dental lab to clean and guess what!? I got all my work done! I got to spend time with my best friend, and we watched one of my favorite TV shows. Abbie- my little sister- saw I was stressed out so she wrote me a little encouraging note and left it on my bed with some chocolate. She is so cute! I also got a sweet letter from one of my missionary sister friends!! I was so happy to hear from her! 
Abbie's sweet note and chocolate 

A letter from one of my favorite sister missionaries! 

Thursday- I did work from home for my uncle and grandpa and I got a whole entire file done (which takes 5 hours!) I was SO happy. Then my mom ordered some of my favorite pizza! After dinner my siblings decided to help me get things ready for my Valentines surprise for my best friend. We had to blow up 72 balloons and cut out paper hearts. It was so fun and I'm so thankful they helped or else it would have taken FOREVER! That night when I was reading my scriptures I felt prompted to start reading the Book Of Mormon again so I did! I love it! 
Wade- my little bro- helping blow up balloons! 

Friday- I woke up, and cleaned the dance studio. 
I was with my mom all day and at 2:56 PM my mom saw an email from the elementary school my sister attends; they were hiring for a part time position! It was perfect for me, so we ran to the school and I asked them about it and they HIRED ME ON THE SPOT!!! :) I was SO excited! I almost cried. This was such a blessing because I was asking Heavenly Father about another job that I really thought would be amazing- but something kept holding me back. So when this opportunity came up I felt so blessed and nothing was holding me back. Heavenly Father really knows what's best for us! :) 
That night my best friend took me out to dinner, but we had to pick pizza up for his siblings first. As we walked in and saw how extremely busy it was I was sad because it was already late (for me) and I was starving. They said one of their ovens were broken, so it'd be a while. We ordered anyway knowing we told the kids we'd bring them food and not knowing where else to go. As soon as we ordered we were looking for a place to wait when the person we ordered from said: "Oh wait- we have an extra of the pizza you want!" It was like someone else ordered for us before we got there. It was AWESOME! 
Then we went to one my favorite places: ZUPAS!! and he even said I could order dessert! I was so excited! Then we went home and we watched one of my favorite movies while we ate my favorite food. It was AWESOME! It was all over an awesome day! 
I recruited helpers to decorate! 

"Can we take a picture of our help?" -the kiddos 

Completed with a new stuffed animal, a letter, lots of hearts and lots of balloons! 

"Bee my Valentine?" :) 

I think he liked it! :) 

Our awesome Zupa's dinner with a movie at home! 

Saturday- My little brother won his basketball game!! My best friend and I were able to change our plans from going to the local Aquarium, which kept off the roads that there were really bad accidents on yesterday so we were kept safe!! Every single morning my best friend and I pray together for safety and today our prayers were most definitely answered and we knew it! 
Also I woke up to Valentine's surprises: my favorite chocolates, fake colorful daises! (I wanted fake ones so I could keep them in my new room forever!) He also took me out to dinner and gave me a stuffed animal. Then we got to watch a fun movie with my family. It ended up being a great day- even when I didn't think it would be. 
Couples Yoga after Olive Garden.. I think I hurt him. haha ;) 

Peach smoothies for our movie! 

My sweet gift from my Valentine! :) 

Sunday- I got to have a Steak dinner with my family! and my best friend was able to join us! It's our special valentines gift from our mom, and she gets us all stuffed animals and our favorite ice cream! I love this dinner, and I'm so thankful I was able to be with my best friend and family. :) Then one of other Best Friends brought me flowers and Cadburry eggs! They are my favorite so I was so excited to get those from her! So far it's been a great day! 

Well, that wraps it up for the week! Definitely full of Tender Mercies and learning to be happy even when things don't go as planned. I always tell myself "Trust the Lord. He does know what He's doing and He sees the whole picture even though I only see this small portion." 
Every week I am more and more thankful for my family and best friend. I don't know what I'd do without them. I am so truly blessed- and I am so thankful that I see that now. When I first came home I didn't see it, because I was so focused on me, and everything that was "wrong" with me. But now that I am choosing to seek for help, view things eternally, and try harder every day: I can be happy and I see my wonderful blessings! I am so thankful for all of you who have helped me thus far and I'm really excited to see where this journey takes us! I hope that I can help you too when you are struggling. I love you all! 

Remember- I am not perfect! This week was not perfect, but for me: it was fabulous because I chose to look for the good. Remember the way we view our adversities lies solely inside of us. No one chooses our attitude but ourselves: what are you choosing? 

I know I can't do without Heavenly Father, my Savior and the amazing Atonement of Jesus Christ. Don't be afraid to use it too. You need it. I love you all and I know They love you personally and more than you can imagine. Don't give up! They are always there for you. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen


Shauna said...

Remember the ''tender mercies'! Thanks!

jjlove said...

Def a great week- and looking for the positives in life you are always blessed!