Sunday, March 20, 2016

Goals In Life

This is my favorite book. (Read till end to see why this book is relevant)
Hello fellow blog readers!! This week I have been blessed with lots of little tender mercies- a lot of which are helping me to set goals of what I want to be today and also someday with my own family. Sooooo let's get started!!

So on Monday my sister Rose and I went to SLC to have a sister date! After we got off work we caught the front runner up to SLC, went to the church history museum, had lunch at Kneaders, and spent the rest of the day shopping. It was a great day full of laughter and making memories. We learned a lot at the church history museum too. I highly recommend visiting this amazing museum for both members and non-members alike. I learned a lot and it's a really neat experience to see all the things that the LDS church, and families of early saints have preserved from history. I loved it. Thanks for going with me Rose!!
At the Museum! 

Kneaders for lunch!

Johnny Rockets for dessert! 

Tuesday- When I do reading help at the School, we choose some words they have been struggling with and we ask them to write them down and say them out loud. As I was doing this with one of my readers, he started to write me little notes, telling me "good job" or "yes" (for correct). I thought this was cute and hey- he was practicing writing so I was fine with it. Then he said: "How do you spell love?" So I spelled it, and he turned to me and said: "I wrote this for you.." (see bottom line)
"I love you" awwwwww sooo cute!! 
Wednesday- This was my little brothers 16th Birthday!!! We sent him balloons, he got his drivers licence, we sang to him, and he got answered to prom! It was a fun day! (Oh I also went to the dentist and passed with no problems!)

Now He can legally drive!! 

This balloon had a smiley face, so he said it was his 1st Girlfriend- and he kissed it! (He's hilarious!)
Thursday, my best friend didn't have a night class so we got to see each other for a little while! We ordered my favorite pizza for dinner because my parents were out helping the High School band for a few hours, and we got to watch my favorite TV show! It was a great relaxing night! 

Friday- We had family dinner at the mall (we got to choose our our favorite place). One of my friends gave me some of her old clothes! It was a simple day. 

Saturday- I cleaned the whole house, and went on a ton of walks because the sun was shining :) I got to spend the day with my best friend and we got to help both of our parents get things done. It was a productive day! 

Overall this week I got to witness a lot of sweet acts of simple kindness. Most of them coming from my amazing job. 
1. I get to watch kids play at recess- sometimes there will be a child who is sitting alone with their head down, and sometimes they will be crying. This breaks my heart because when I was little that was me a lot of the time. I know what it feels like to be left out and feel unimportant. When I see this I go over and ask the child if they are okay, if they'd like to walk with me, or if there is anything I can do for them. After we have a little talk, generally they ask to be left alone for a little bit so I watch them from a distance to see if they feel better after a few minutes. Every time another child will be playing with their friends, notice the alone child, and they will leave their group of friends and go over and share the toy they are playing with and invite the alone child to play with their friends. They always take them by the hand and bring them to the group, introduce them as their FRIEND, and they all play happily. This warms my heart. They are SO sweet and Christ-like. I am so lucky to witness these sweet acts of kindness. And always, those kids are friends, for not just recess, not just the day, but generally they are now friends they can count on. It is so amazing to see such young kids treating others as Christ would. I literally see angels every day at my job. 
2. When I supervise at lunch time in the lunchroom, I get to encourage kids help with clean up of tables and trash. If they are good helpers, I get to give them a "positive paw" which is a paper they write their name on and they get rewarded for getting these "paws." This week as I was handing out these "paws" to my helpers one child came back and said "I like to write other kid's names on the paws." I asked "oh why is that sweetie?" and then came this sweet honest reply "because some kids have a hard time earning "paws". Sometimes they have a hard time being good, but I want them to remember that someone still loves them. That's why I put their names on it." He gave me the "paw" and ran out to recess. I was speechless. This sweet little kid was looking out for other kids who were having a hard time just because he wanted too. And he wanted to keep it a secret too. What an amazing way for him to be Christlike. I think we can all learn from his quiet sweet example of selfless love and caring. 

At the end of my work day, I always come home wanting to be more like those sweet loving children. I pray and make goals to not just be like them, but to be the mother that teaches my own children how to treat other kids- even when I am not around. I know that these kids are like this because of their amazing parents and grandparents, and other guardians. I know they are learning from example, so I know they are coming from amazing families. Never stop teaching them to be like the Savior no matter where they are. and always remember: your actions speak much louder than your words. Speak kindly, teach and show them they don't need attention for their good deeds, just a good feeling in their hearts. Teach them the stories of Jesus and live like Jesus would. 

I know we can do this. We can change the world by changing theirs. Remember they are the most important thing in this world. Your children need you. Just like Heavenly Father needs you- His child. Never forget who's child you are, and teach your kids that too. You are heirs of the throne of the Kingdom of God. You are princes and princesses. and He loves you! (See picture at top) 
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen 
Love, Samantha  

1 comment:

jjlove said...

We can always learn so much from children. My kids are always great examples to me. Your so lucky to be around the sweet spirits everyday at your job!