Sunday, November 24, 2013

Little Things :)

Jesus did the little things, let us all follow in his example and do the little things too. 

I just wanted to take a moment at this busy time of year to tell you all to notice the little things, because the little things matter. The little things being: that simple smile to the person in the hallway, the wave at the person on the street, that "how are you" to an old friend, etc. But don't just notice the little things, but be an active participator in the little things. You never know what someone may be going through. You don't know what happens at home, you don't know what their situation is. And you probably don't know how much that simple smile, or hello can mean someone. To them it could mean that they don't go home feeling invisible in this great big world. To them it could mean that someone cared enough for that one second of their day to notice them. that they don't give up. It could very well give them the strength to want to fight again for another day. YOU can make that difference in someone's life, YOU can be that change. Listen to the spirit, he will lead and guide you. Pray for the opportunity to bless someone's life everyday: even in the smallest and simplest ways. I know that by being an active participator in the little things: YOU will change lives. You may not see it, but I promise it is noticed and it is very important to all those who receive. I know that Heavenly Father will help us. I know that he will guide us to the right person, and he will give us the strength to say what we need too, no matter how scary it can be. I know that Heavenly Father loves each one of us, and I know that he doesn't want us to be sad or upset, and it hurts him when we hurt. That's why Heavenly Father needs us to be instruments in his hands so that he may lead us to help everyone (all his children) to be happy and feel of his love for them. I know we can do this. I know it's not easy at first, but with enough practice and trust and faith in our Savior and Redeeming Lord we can do anything. I know he knows each of you personally, he loves you, and he wants you to be happy. Come unto him. I love this gospel and the joy and peace it brings to all of us. Join with me in spreading the joy of the gospel by doing the little things! I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true, and I love it!
In the name of Jesus Christ,


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Being Thankful

At this time of year we hear a lot about being thankful because it's Thanksgiving! I know you all might get tired of hearing about "being thankful" but I wanted to share my insight about how we be thankful always, and not just around Thanksgiving. Some of the things I wanted to share are very simple and short, but I think they will help me, and you, remember to count your blessings. (or be thankful).
The first thing I wanted to share is: We need to be happy now! Life is good right now, even if you don't think it is. Stop wishing for better days ahead and live for right now. If we keep living in the past or the future, we will miss out on the most important thing: what's happening right before us, right now.
Another thing I wanted to share is: Live your blessings, don't just count them. By this I mean that instead of just saying: "oh yeah, I'm thankful for this, and this, and that, etc," we need to use the things we have to bless others. As we realize what we have, and how blessed we are to have these things, we can better use our gifts and talents and abilities to bless others and help make their lives better.
Something else I want to share is this: trials are blessings. Whether you agree or not, this is my belief. I like to believe that trials are compliments from God. When we are doing good, God will send us a trial to help make us even stronger. Think about it: when you are doing really great in life, what always comes next? A trial!! Therefore: Our trails are compliments from God, which makes them blessings.
Lastly, I wanted to share this quote:

What would you have today? Every time I see this quote, I think: "oh my goodness! What would I have left?" Sometimes we get too caught up in what we want, and forget what we have. This is something that I think we are all guilty of. How many times have you said your prayers and realized that you asked for a whole lot and only thanked Heavenly Father for this day?
I want to challenge each of you to remember daily to be thankful. I am making a list of things I am thankful for. This isn't just a regular list though, this is a list of things I am thankful for daily. Each night before I go to sleep, I am going to think about my day and I am going to add at least one new thing every day to my list. The catch is: it has to be something I used that day, and I cannot repeat what I already have on the list. At first this may be easy to think of things I am thankful for, but as time goes on: it will get trickier and I will really have to seek out what I am truly thankful for. I invite you all to join me in this "Thankful Challenge."
I believe that by doing this challenge I will be able to see more clearly what blessings I have. I know that this will help us be happier, and we will be able to bless others through this. I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true. I know that Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father live; they know me, and they love me. This is my testimony,
In the name of Jesus Christ,

Love, Samantha

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Forget Me Not

~Forget me Not flowers~
Today I was reminded of this truth that had been shadowed over by other things in my life. I am so thankful that I was reminded of this. This thing I keep referring to is the talk by Elder Uchtdorf entitled: "Forget Me Not".* This talk was given to the Relief Society in October 2011. This talk at the time didn't mean a lot to me but looking back on it now, it means so much. I was reminded that Heavenly Father doesn't forget us. Which I already knew, but I was struck with the thought that we need to take the time to not forget him. We need to remember what is most important and put our Father in Heaven and our Savior Jesus Christ and this true gospel first before all other things.This talk talks about 5 things we should not forget. The 5 things that were discussed are: 1.Forget not to be patient with yourself. (Remember no one is perfect and it takes time to do things sometimes.) 2. Forget not the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice. (Remember that there is good, better and best to every decision) 3. Forget not to be happy now. (Don't get caught up in the future or past and remember to live for today too.) 4. Forget not the "why of the gospel. (Remember what is really important.) And finally (my favorite) 5. Forget not that the Lord loves you. (No matter what you have done, where you have been, who you are, etc. He loves you!)
I know that if we remember to remember these 5 important things in life, we will be happier, we will be able to better see the Lord's hand in our lives, and we will be more thankful and more blessed. I encourage you to go through your week and look for someone in need and to help them. Notice I said help, not fix. It is not our job to fix others and their problems but it is our job to help them, love them, and nurture them. Pray for them, listen to the Spirit and help them the way the Savior would. I know that if we look for the good in others and we try our hardest to go out of our way to help others and we pray for them and for oppurtunites to help them: we will blessed and we will be able to do those things that the Savior would have us do. We will be able to be angels in others lives and we will be able to do things that we never thought imaginable. I know it sounds crazy: but I know it's true. I am trying my hardest to do this right now and make this change in my life so that it can become a habbit for me. I am asking you to do this too. I know we will be blessed through our efforts. I love the gospel and I love my Father in Heaven and my Elder Brother Jesus Christ. I love the gospel, and the Book of Mormon and I know they are true. Please join with me in "Forgetting Not." I love you all!


*Elder Uchtdorf gave this beautiful talk to the women of the church, but it applies to the men as well. I hope you can take some time and read or listen to the rest of this talk. It is absolutely amazing. Here is the link:
** Also I suggest wearing something (like a bracelet) to help remind you to "Forget not." I know there are bracelets and rings and necklaces of "forget me not" flowers, and if you interested in one email me and I can get you one!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

You are a Child of God

This picture and quote say it all
The quote reads: "You are dearly loved and precious in his sight. He takes great delight in you for you are his treasured possession. He will bless you with a future filled with hope."
Today I feel like I really need to share this simple truth with everyone. This simple truth is that you are a child of God and he loves you. No matter what you have done, where you have been, the mistakes you have made, God loves you more than anything ever. You are his literal child and he loves you. Heavenly Father is our Father. Jesus is our elder brother. You are their divine creation. You are Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ's most sacred creation, the most treasured creation. Sometimes we mess up, sometimes we make mistakes, sometimes we feel lost, sometimes we feel as if all hope is lost. I know that sorrow is very real, very scary, and very hopeless feeling. I promise that if you give your burden to the Lord, it will be lifted and together you can do anything. I promise you: You are loved, you have angels fleeing to rescue you. You can come back, YOU are a child of God. He will never ever forsake you. He loves you so dearly and so beautifully. No one can love the way he loves you. Heavenly Father wants to be there in everything you do. He is your dad. He will always be there on the side lines cheering you on if you let him. He pleads for you to come back to him. He pleads for you to come home. I know at times things look and feel very over whelming, but I promise the most important thing you have is your relationship with our Father in Heaven. He will always forgive you if you just say sorry and mean it. He still loves you, no matter the sin. The only way back is through constant prayer and repentance. None of us are perfect and we all have to continually strive to become more like him, and that includes using the atonement. I want you to know that you are beautiful to him and he loves you unconditionally and forever, he simply loves you. He knows your name, he knows your heart aches, he knows your pain, he knows your hopes and dreams and goals, he knows YOU. And YOU are his child. He loves you. 
In the name of Jesus Christ,


*This song is called: I am A Child Of God. Please listen to it, even if you know it by heart. I challenge you to listen to the words and really think about them. They are so true. I (along with every single one of you) Am a Child of God. He loves me. I know it to be true. I have seen and felt his love everyday of my life. I love him more than anything ever. Please listen:

** Also: this is sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I absolutely love listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir because when they sing, the spirit just rushes over me like a wave. If you are ever in need of comfort, peace, or happiness: listen to them sing. They are truly amazing and sing with voices of angels.