Sunday, April 27, 2014

He says: "I Am"

He is: everything.
When Moses asked the Lord what to tell the people concerning who he (the Lord) was; the Lord answered: "I am that I am." * Now this was a confusing answer. (Especially because Moses was looking for a name.) What does the Lord mean by this? I believe the Lord was trying to tell Moses that He is The Lord, and that is all he (Moses) needed to know. 

But to me this verse has a different meaning. To me this verse means that The Lord will be what ever I need Him to be. For instance: when I need a best friend, he answers: "I am." This brings tears of joy to my eyes, knowing that My Savior and Redeemer will answer "I am" to whatever I need him to be. My Seminary teacher shared a song with me about this. It is called: "I Am" by Nichole Nordeman. This song goes through the stages of life and the different names we may use to call upon our Savior, and how he answers "I am". Click Here to hear this beautiful song.

I want to share my testimony that I know that the Savior is always, without a doubt there for us. He will answer the call when we call Him. Whether it be: "elbow healer, superhero, heart-ache healer, secret keeper, best friend, comforter". I know he loves us infinitely and completely. He loves it when we call to Him for help; because He knows that we cannot do it alone. He loves it when we talk to Him and He longs for us to talk to Him more often and for us to let Him be a constant in our lives. Please let Him in. He loves you so much and He will answer: "I am" to you, no matter who you are or what you have done. Don't give up. He loves you. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the one and only true church. I know it is the restored gospel on the earth and I know that He will come again. I know it and love it will all my heart. 
In the name of Jesus Christ, 


*These verses are found in the Bible (We use King James version) in Exodus Chapter 3 verses 13&14. They read: 

13 And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? awhat shall I say unto them?
 14 And God said unto Moses, AI AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter: Because of Him

Because of Him.. 
Sometimes when I wonder about things or want to know more about a certain subject I look up words in the Bible Dictionary. Today during Church I decided to look up "Atonement" and Resurrection". Today I wanted to learn more about these things because of the Spirit of Easter today! I really love Easter. I love being able to focus on the Savior and his life and everything that he did and took upon himself in Gethsemane so that I could return to live with Him and our Father In Heaven. I want to share with you what I learned today about the Atonement and Resurrection. The Bible Dictionary says the following about the Atonement:
"The word describes the setting “at one” of those who have been estranged and denotes the reconciliation of man to God. Sin is the cause of the estrangement, and therefore the purpose of atonement is to correct or overcome the consequences of sin. ...Jesus Christ, as the Only Begotten Son of God and the only sinless person to live on this earth, was the only one capable of making an atonement for mankind.....He made a perfect atonement for all mankind. All are covered unconditionally as pertaining to the Fall of Adam....The Atonement is conditional, however, so far as each person’s individual sins are concerned, and touches every one to the degree that he has faith in Jesus Christ, repents of his sins, and obeys the gospel....The Atonement of Jesus Christ redeems all mankind from the Fall of Adam and causes all to be answerable for their own manner of life. This means of atonement is provided by the Father (John 3:16–17) and is offered in the life and person of His Son, Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 5:19)."
I think that these are some of the key things for me to share with you. Maybe other things will stand out to you, but I feel like this is what I needed to share with you today. Now I want to share what I learned about Resurrection. 
“To obtain a resurrection with a celestial, exalted body is the center point of hope in the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Resurrection of Jesus is the most glorious of all messages to mankind.
I think that this is the most significant thing I found in the Bible Dictionary about Resurrection. 

Now to wrap up what these mean to me, and to wish you all a very happy Easter, I wanted to share one last thing with you. I want to share with you a video the church put out for all of us to think about each day this past week to prepare for Easter. It's entitled: Because of Him * I want to share it now because I know it helped me remember that "Because of him" I can do hard things, I don't have to be alone, I can be forgiven. I want you to think what can you do Because of Him? What is so significant to you Because of Him? I know that Because of Him everything is possible. I know that he loves me. I know I am never alone. I know that Easter has a much bigger and much more significant meaning than "a bunny with candy." I KNOW HE LIVES, more than I know the sun will come up tomorrow. I know this is the true church, and I leave this message with you.
In the name of Jesus Christ,

*This site is wonderful! It has so much to help us remember Easter and what it's really about. I encourage you this wonderful Easter Sunday to look over it and read and be reminded of the wonderful message of Easter. 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Savior is Forgiving

He will Forgive you
I wanted to share with you all something that I feel every one needs to hear about a lot. I love talking about this and I know that it is true. I love the gospel and I know that the Savior loves each of us no matter what we have done and that He is willing to forgive each and every one of us, no matter what the sin as long as we come unto Him and ask for forgiveness and we really mean it. I want to be short today so that I don't distract from this powerful message of forgiveness. I think that forgiveness is something that is the same for each of us (because we all seek forgiveness) but at the same time, I know that it is different for each of us (Because of the way we seek forgiveness individually and because what we seek forgiveness for is different as well). However, no matter what the reason may be for you to be seeking forgiveness, I promise you forgiveness can be obtained. I wanted to share with you this Mormon Message. I want you to know that I KNOW that the power of Forgiveness is real. I know that we can be forgiven if we seek it. I know that taking that first step is not easy. I know it is not an easy road to take either. But this I do know: That it is worth it. I know this is the true church. I love it with all my heart.
In the Name of Jesus Christ,


Sunday, April 6, 2014

My Testimony

Today I wanted to simply share with you my testimony. My testimony is my strength, my rock, and my love. My testimony is the one sure thing I know I will always have, the one thing that no one can take away from me. My testimony lifts me, it helps me want to be a better person. I want each of you to know that I KNOW that our Heavenly Father lives. I KNOW that Jesus Christ was born, he lived a life of service, he died for each and every one of us; feeling our every pain and sorrow, taking upon himself every sin that ever was committed and ever will be committed. I KNOW that he was resurrected, and he lives. Because of him and his atoning sacrifice we can be forgiven of our sins. I know that the power of repentance is real. I know that the power of forgiveness is real. I know that even when we make mistakes, no matter how big or small, that the atonement is open to each of us and we are free to choose to use it. I beg each of you to use the power of the atonement and to come back unto Christ. I know that by using the atonement we can build strength and we can become more like our loving Savior. I know that there is no pain, sorrow, anguish, etc. that we have to bear on our own, because our Savior Jesus Christ went through it for us. We are never ever alone. I know that He will always be there for us and he will never leave us alone or comfortless. John 14:27 says: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." I know that we will always be able to receive comfort and peace from our Lord and Savior if we turn to him. I know that I can be with  my family forever and all eternity because of the sacred covenants my parents made in the temple. I know that temple marriage is eternal, not "till death do we part", but rather it is forever. Because of this knowledge I know that I will be able to see my Uncle Jeremy, my Great Grandma, my Grandma, and my best friend Jeremy again. I know that Heavenly Father's plan will allow us to be together again if we choose the right while we are here on earth and we use The Atonement. I know that I am not perfect, but by using the Atonement I can be forgiven and I can come back unto my Father In Heaven and my Elder Brother Jesus Christ. I know that I belong to the true church: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I know that the covenants I have already made with my Father in Heaven (my baptism) will help me get back to him. I know without a shadow of doubt, that Jesus Christ lives. He knows me. He loves me. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I have seen it change lives, and I know it changed mine. If you haven't read this book and prayed about it: I beg you to do so. I know that Heavenly Father knows and loves you too. He wants you to come back unto him. Please, let him in. Read the Book of Mormon, pray about it, let it change you too. I know it will bring you eternal happiness and you will feel of the Savior's love and the power of his infinite Atonement so much more. I know we have a living prophet and he receives revelation from Heavenly Father and teaches us so that we can all come back to Him. I know that the power of the Priesthood is real. I have seen it, I have felt it. I know that it is real. I know these things are true. I KNOW it.
In the name of Jesus Christ,
