Sunday, May 25, 2014

Never Postpone a Prompting

Always act quickly. 
What is a prompting? The dictionary says that the word prompting means: to move or induce to action; to occasion or incite: inspire; to assist (a person speaking) by suggesting something to be said. Promptings from the spirit are just that. They are thoughts inspired to us from Heavenly Father through the Holy Ghost to do something that requires action. The key word is action. A prompting is something that you must DO something about. The dictionary says that it is a verb. A verb means it is an action word. I want to share with you two videos. Both are about promptings our Prophet Thomas S. Monson received. The first is when he failed to act quickly, and the second is when he acted immediately. Click Here for the 1st video. Click here for the 2nd video.

Thomas S. Monson tells us that we must never, never, ever postpone a prompting. As we saw and heard in the 1st video, bad things can happen if we postpone a prompting and try to work on our own time table. We need to remember to trust the Lord and when we receive a prompting the time to act is now. Not 5 mins later, not a day later, but rather: right now. The Lord can see what's ahead and a lot of times the promptings we receive are to protect us or others and sometimes they are to get us to help someone who may be in need, and we can only reach them at that moment.

I know that it is not always "convenient" to stop what you are doing and follow a prompting, but I do know that if we can learn to stop, and do that thing we are prompted to do we will be blessed and so will the lives around us. We need to learn to act quickly and be obedient. By doing so we are showing the Lord that we trust Him and that He can depend on us to do the things He needs us to do when He needs them done. I feel as if Thomas S. Monson can say this better than I can, so I am going to share this with you. Click Here  I love the part (about half way) when he says: "I always want The Lord to know, if He needs an errand run Tom Monson will run that errand." This is my hope too: that if The Lord needs someone to be an answer to someone's prayer or He needs someone to do anything for Him: that I, Samantha Stout, will run that errand.

I add my testimony to Thomas S. Monson's that this is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the work is true, and I know it. I love the gospel and I am so thankful that I know that if I don't postpone a prompting: I can help fulfill someone's prayer or need. I am so thankful for my Savior's example and His love for me.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Overcoming Challenges is Possible

 Through Prayer and Faith you can overcome.
Life is hard. Whether you are in elementary school, Jr. high, high school, collage, a parent, etc. I know that no matter what stage of life you are in, we all face challenges every day. Although we all face challenges, we all face them differently. Some of us might greet our challenges with sorrow and anger, some of us with passive feelings, while others of us greet them with a smile and an attitude to overcome. Some of us may be 5 and face the challenge of deciding what juice we want for lunch, some 14 and trying to be a positive influence among crazy kids in Jr. high, some 18 and facing graduation in a few short weeks, some of us 20 and trying to make the right decisions to some of life's hardest choices (Marriage and school), some of us grandparents who don't know how to best spoil their grand-kids. While some of these challenges are obviously much harder than others, I know that there can always be success in facing a challenge as long as we go about it in the correct and best way for us. Today I want to speak to you about how I know we can always be successful and have peace when facing a challenge. 

I want to start out by telling you of some challenges I have had personally or have been affected by in the past 2 weeks. I will start with last Saturday night. I was asked about a month ago to choreograph a dance for a close friend of mine for her senior solo. Saturday night was the last performance. We were second after intermission. During the intermission I went back stage to get into my costume. (She had asked me to dance with her.) When I got back there, my friend had tears in her eyes. I asked her what was wrong and she told me that she had gotten something in her foot and it was really hurting her. She told me to look at it and see what to do. I did and realized we needed to pull it out. We got the supplies to do so and when we pulled it out it was much much bigger than we had anticipated and it started bleeding a lot more than we had originally guessed it would. We called for the director to come back stage and see what to do because we were on next and she obviously couldn't dance yet. I said a prayer in my heart that it would work out and she would have peace and she would be able to finish dancing tonight, as this would be her last performance with this particular group because she is graduating in a few weeks. She got her foot all bandaged and she stood up to see if she would be able to dance. She said it didn't hurt at all anymore and she could do it! I was so surprised and thankful that she was going to be able to finish the show. As we performed she had the biggest smile on her face. I was blown away by the quick answer to my prayer, and by her unfailing faith that she could do hard things. 

My second story was this last Monday. My uncle had been in the hospital because of a heart attack and I got news Monday morning that he had passed away. I went home early for lunch to go see my grandma and make sure she was doing alright. I hadn't planned on doing this but felt it was the place I needed to be that Monday morning. My grandma and I talked for a little while and when my grandpa got home I felt like I could leave and go see my mom, so I did. My uncle is the 7th person that has passed away in 5 yrs that I have been close with. My initial response was to be upset with God because my great grandpa had just passed away about 7 month prior. I was sad that I had to loose another person so quickly. I was suddenly worried that my whole family would slowly all die over the next few years, because at this rate: it wasn't going to take long. When I got home I prayed that I would be able to have an understanding heart and mind and that my loved ones would be able to live long lives. I expressed to my Father in Heaven my concerns and worries. I suddenly felt comfort and knew that everything would be okay and that no matter what happened: He loved me and He would never leave me comfortless and alone. 

My last story took place last night. I was asked to speak in our Stake Conference Saturday night session. I was not scared at all until I realized last night while I sitting on the stand, that there was going to be a lot of people. Before the meeting, I went to the bathroom to quickly say a prayer and to ask for help to not be nervous and to be able to deliver the message He needed me to and in the way He needed me too. As I walked back to the stand to sit in my place I looked over the audience and noticed that I knew, or recognized most of them from different places. I felt peace overcome me, and I felt that it wasn't a "big deal," I was just talking to all my friends and family. When I got up to deliver my message, I was no longer scared and I did my best knowing that the Lord was standing with me and that He would fill my mouth with the words He needed the audience to hear.* 

All of these stories at least 2 things in common. Prayer, and Faith that my prayer would be heard and answered. I know that faith and prayer are always the answer when we face challenges. I had a dance teacher once who told me: "I look at my trials and challenges as compliments from God." When I asked her why, this was her explanation: "Trails and challenges always seem to come when you feel you are doing great, like nothing can stop you. At this point, God looks down at us and says: 'You have mastered that trail/challenge, now it is time for you to grow.' He wants us to grow so that we can become better and be more like His son Jesus Christ. So I look at my trials and challenges as compliments because it means that Heavenly Father thinks I am doing a good job and is giving me something to help me be even better!" When you think of a trail or challenge as compliment from God, doesn't it make the trial or challenge seem just a bit easier to handle? Even when the trial seems unfair or unnecessary, if we keep this in mind it helps us remember that Heavenly Father sees in terms of forever and knows what is best for us and our spiritual growth. 

In Doctrine and Covenants section 136 verse 31** it reads: "My people must be atried in all things, that they may be prepared to receive the bglory that I have for them, even the glory of Zion; and he that will not cbear chastisement is not worthy of my kingdom." This scripture reminds us that we must be tried in all things if we want to inherit the kingdom of God. It reminds us that our trials are preparing us to be able to handle the glory that we will inherit with the Kingdom of God. In another scripture in Doctrine and Covenants in section 58 verse 4 it reads: "For after much tribulation come the blessings. Wherefore the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory; the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand." This scripture (along with the other one in section 136) tell us we must tried in all things. It is only after these trials that we will be blessed. Our trails are our test in our "test"imony. 

Praying to our Heavenly Father and having Faith that He will hear and answer our prayers is the key to having success, peace and comfort in our times of trial and challenge. Sometimes our success may not come immediately, but rather be met by another challenge. However I do know that success will most definitely come to those who are faithful and stay close to the Lord during their times of trial instead of pushing him away. We need to learn to remember that our trials are not Heavenly Father's way of punishing us, but rather a way He shows His love and concern for us: that He wants us to be able to learn as much as we can and grow. He wants us to be able to progress in all areas of our life and the only way to do so is to have challenges. I KNOW that our trials/challenges are blessings. I know that if we remember this and we meet our trials/challenges with a smile and an attitude to overcome: we will be much happier, and we will have the Lord's spirit to lead and guide us through our challenges much more abundantly. I know that Heavenly Father sees in terms of forever, and because He does He knows what is best for us. This also means that He knows the best solution for you individually to each and every one of your challenges and trials. All He wants is for you to turn to Him and ask for His help. He is waiting and willing, it's up to you to ask Him. 

I know that I belong to the only true church on this earth: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints. I know that my Heavenly Father will never leave me alone to face a challenge and that He will be there every step of the way as long and I do my part and ask Him for His help. He will never give me a challenge that I cannot handle. Every challenge I receive is for a reason, and I trust Heavenly Father to give the appropriate challenges to help me to help me learn and grow the best I can so that I can be the faithful servant and daughter I need to be for Him. I know that this is true. I love the gospel with all my heart. I know Thomas S. Monson is a true prophet and he leads and guides us according to the revelation he receives from Heavenly Father. I know these things are true. 

In the Name of Jesus Christ, 


*I knew that the Lord would fill my mouth with the words He needed me to speak because of a scripture I remembered from Moses (a book in the Pearl of Great Price that tells about Moses life. This book was what Joseph Smith translated from the Book of Genesis from the bible.) This scripture is Moses chapter 6 verse 32 it reads: And the Lord said unto Enoch: Go forth and do as I have commanded thee, and no man shall pierce thee. Open thy mouth, and it shall be filled, and I will give thee utterance, for all flesh is in my hands, and I will do as seemeth me good.

** The Doctrine and  Covenants is a book that we believe was written scripture for our day. It is a book that consists of a lot of revelation to Joseph Smith during the restoration of the church. I know that Joseph Smith was and is a true prophet and that even though he was only a young boy: I KNOW he saw God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ and that he restored the true church. 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

In Honor Of Mothers Day...

"May each of us treasure this truth."
I have had many great experiences this week that I wish to share with all of you at one point in time, however I feel the strong need to share with you today about the importance of mother's on this fine Mother's day. I want to start out by saying thank you to each mother that reads this. Every mother every where, no matter her position in her family; weather she be divorced, widowed, struggling with addiction, etc., Every single one of you deserves to be told thank you. I want you to know that you are important and your impact on every one around you, especially the impact on your kids, is one that only you can have. Mothers share a bond with each of their children that only they can have with them. A mother's bond with her child is of up most importance. While I know that in some circumstances this bond isn't easy to have, or it may not be possible at this time, I know that your child still loves you. I know that the role of motherhood is a sacred calling from Heavenly Father. "You are a child of God who He entrusted to your mother’s care, her hands substituted for God’s as she bandaged a skinned knee or wiped away your tears." Therefore, when you are a mother, you are caring for a spirit straight from Heaven and it is your responsibility to help that child grow and become like the Savior. You are stepping in for Heavenly Father while that child is on earth. It is your job as mom (and dad, but we are focusing on moms today) to be a teacher, a heart ache healer, a care giver, a secret keeper, a best friend, a shoulder to cry on, etc. It is your sole responsibility to be what your child needs you to be for them, and also for you to be what your Heavenly Father needs you to be to watch and care for His child. I want to share with you this short video about mothers. Click Here

 Now I want to share with you some quotes about Mother's:
"Mothers are endowed with a love that is unlike any other love on the face of the earth."               -Marjorie Pay Hinckley. A mother's love is one of the most powerful and unconditional things on this earth. A mother carries her child for 9 months in the womb, and that child knows its mother even before it is born. There is a bond between mother and child that is unlike any other.
"There are few things more powerful than the prayers of a righteous mother." -Boyd K. Packer. How true this is, that a mother's prayer for her child is one of the most sacred and powerful things. And it's because of that bond she has with her child and that love mentioned in the quote above.
 "All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother." -Abraham Lincoln Like it said in the video, our mothers are our biggest cheerleaders. We owe everything to them, from allowing us to come to earth, from running us to all the places we need to be throughout our childhood, to making us food when we are hungry, teaching us to read, to walk, etc. Everything we are is because of our angel moms.
"There is no limit to what a mother can accomplish. Righteous women have changed the course of history and will continue to do so." -Julie B. Beck Moms can do anything.

For those of you who are not yet a mother, or who do not have biological children, this is possible for you too. Just because you may not have children of your own yet, does not mean it will not happen. Weather it be in this life or the next: you will be a mother someday too. And what's stopping you from being a mother now? You do not need to have your own children to be a mother figure in a child's life. I know that it must be extremely difficult for some of you that want children of your own and it's not possible at this time; but I want you to know that you are still appreciated and you are a mother still. Chances are you have children all around you and you are seen as a "second mom" in a child's life in someway. I know being a "second mom" may not be ideal, but if you do not have children of your own for whatever reason, it is because Heavenly Father has a plan for you and you need to have faith in him and trust him that in the end everything will be okay. Heavenly Father knows you and loves you and wants you to be able to have all the opportunities that you want to have (as long as they are good) and he will bless you with them in some way at the right and appropriate time. I beg of you to not give up hope and to stand strong. I love you, and Heavenly Father loves you. Don't quit.

 I want to take a moment and thank the two most important and significant moms in my life. My mom and my mom's mom: my grandma! These 2 women have blessed my life every single day since the day I was born, and even before that. I am lucky enough to live only 4 houses away from my grandma, so I can see her whenever I want. This has blessed my life being able to have such a close relationship with her and being able to learn more about my mom from listening to my grandma's stories. My grandma is able to be there for all my dance performances and my successes in school, and for everything I need her there for. She sews my clothes when they rip and is my personal seamstress for my dresses so that I can be comfortable and modest so that I can always have the Spirit with me. She is such a great support to me and I cannot express in words how thankful I am to her for all she does for me and that she raised my mom to be the mom she is to me.

My mom is my very best friend. I know I can tell my mom anything and she will still love me no matter what I have done and she will help me learn and help me fix my mistakes. I know that my mom does so much for me every day, from stopping whatever she's busy doing to allow me to come home for lunch to spend 45 mins with just me and her to help me to keep going on my day, to allowing me to have parties at our house, to making the effort to know my friends and let them know that they are welcome and loved at our house, to staying up late to wait for me to come home and tell her about my night's adventure, to teaching me how to cook, to teaching me how to care for children, to teaching me how to use money wisely, to everything: I owe it all to my mom. My mom is my superhero. My mom is always there for me: and makes it possible for me to chase my dreams and be successful. She takes time from her busy schedule to bring me the things I forgot for school, to run me to my many jobs and dance classes, she does it all. Why? Because she loves me. I cannot express in words how much I love my mom and how much I appreciate her and every single thing she does for me. And to top it off: she doesn't just do this for me, she does it for all 5 of her kids! I have no idea how my amazing mom has the time to do all these things for every single one of us, have an amazing and strong relationship with my dad, clean the house, do the shopping, do the laundry, and make dinner every night. She is my cheerleader at every concert, she has been my nurse since I was born, she is my rock and my constant. She is my example of everything I want to be. She taught me the gospel along with my dad since the day I was born. It is because of her strong testimony that I am the young woman I am today. It is because of my mom that I want to be married in the temple, it is because of my mom that I know that if I work hard: all my dreams will become a reality. It is because of my mom that I know I want to be a mom someday too, and not just any mom: I want to be just like her. I hope and pray that when it is time for me to be a wife and mother that I can be half the mom she is to me every single second. I love my mom with all my heart, and I hope that she knows that. I want to share my testimony with her,  because she helped me build it:

I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true. Without a shadow of a doubt: I know it. I know that Joesph Smith is and was a prophet. I know that he faithfully restored the gospel on the earth today. I know that power of the Priesthood has been restored on the earth today, and that my Dad is a worthy holder of the Priesthood. I know that the blessings of the priesthood are from God and that it is his power given to his faithful and worthy sons to bless and heal each of us. I know that the Book of Mormon is the most correct and true book ever written and it has changed my life and will change the life of any who read it. I know that our Savior came to earth, He lived, and He died for us. I know that he felt every single pain, sorrow, heart ache, and every single emotion for every single person who does live, who has ever lived and who will ever live. I know that the power of the atonement is real and unshakable. I know that it is open to every single person who has faith in the Savior. I know that because of the atonement I am never ever alone and I can do all things through Christ because of His strengthening power. I know that my family will be together forever and all eternity if we live worthy lives because my parents were sealed in the temple. I know that Thomas S. Monson is the true and living prophet of the church today. I know that he receives revelation directly from Heavenly Father and he knows how to adequately lead us to be like the Savior so that we can all return to live with our Father in Heaven and our Savior forever. I love the gospel with all my heart and soul. I know these things are true. I know I am not perfect and I still have far to go in this life, and much to learn, but I know I these things are true. I know it, without question.
It is because of you mom, that I know these things. It is all because of you mom. I love you mom. Happy Mother's Day!

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen


Sunday, May 4, 2014

Blessings From the Priesthood

This boy is receiving a blessing by the power of the Priesthood.
This week I have been thinking a lot about blessings, specifically blessings we receive from the Priesthood. Some of you may know this, but my little brother, Wade, came down with something this week. He got a really high fever, and got all those symptoms that come along with fevers. When we took him to the doctor and they couldn't find anything (like an infection) wrong. I felt so bad for him because it seemed like right when he would start to feel okay again, it would suddenly be worse! This has been going on for about 4 days now. My daddy was gone for business and when he came home he gave Wade a Priesthood blessing, for the healing of the sick. I was immediately comforted and knew that he would be okay and in time he would get better. I know that the blessing helped Wade too.

Today at church, my cousin's husband blessed their new baby with a name and a father's blessing to help him start off his life. I was again reminded of the power of the Priesthood.

The Priesthood has been restored to the earth today because of Joesph Smith. The Priesthood is the authority and power that God gives man to act in all things for the salvation of man; "the authority to act in God's name." My Father holds the Priesthood, and that is why he can give us blessing such as: Father's blessings (a blessing of the Priesthood that can be given at any time-usually for comfort, peace, reassurance, guidance, etc.- by a worthy Priesthood holder.-This blessing does not have to be given by your father, it can be given by any worthy Priesthood holder.) He can also give blessings for the healing of the sick and afflicted. These blessing are given by any worthy Priesthood holder. For this blessing there are usually 2 Priesthood holders. (When you are administered this blessing, the Priesthood holder uses blessed and consecrated oil. One man will anoint the oil, and the second will seal the oil with a blessing straight from your Heavenly Father to you specifically.) There are many other blessing that are performed by the Priesthood, like the blessing and passing of the sacrament each week, these are just some of the more common ones.

When my daddy is gone, I can feel an absence of the Priesthood sometimes. (Like this week when Wade got sick.) My mom does what she can as the mother of our home to keep the spirit here and bless us in different ways without the Priesthood, but there is a special feeling of having the Priesthood in our lives each day. I know that I am very fortunate to have this blessing, that I live with both of my parents and that my daddy works so hard every day to keep himself worthy to exercise his Priesthood at any moment. I know that by him doing so, I have been blessed my whole life.

I just wanted to share with you all today of the power of the Priesthood. I know that the Priesthood has been restored in its fullness to the earth today. I KNOW it. I have seen it work miracles, and I have personally felt the spirit it brings and it blessings it brings to all those around. I am so thankful for the Priesthood and the connection it gives us to our Father in Heaven. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the only true church on the earth today, and I know that we are led by a living prophet: Thomas S. Monson. I know that the Savior came to earth and died for each of us and all our sins. I know that we are never alone and that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.* I love the gospel, I know it's true.

In the name of Jesus Christ,


* In the Bible, in the book of Philippians in chapter 4 verse 13 it states: 13 I can do all things through aChrist which bstrengtheneth me.  Because of this scripture, I know I can do all things because Christ is always there and will strengthen me.