Sunday, March 30, 2014

Come unto Christ

There is no greater joy than coming unto him. He waits for you. 
I know I say this a lot. Just come unto Christ! I didn't ever really think that some of you reading this might not know what coming unto Christ means. I found some videos for you to watch that will help explain what this means. This year's theme for the LDS youth is to "Come Unto Christ" from Moroni 10:32.* I think that this first video tells us what that means and also how we can Come unto Him as well. First Video I like this video because it's youth that are my age telling us what we can do. This is the type of youth I am striving to become. I want to be able to come unto Christ too and share the gospel. That is why I have this blog is so that I can help bring others closer to Christ by sharing my testimony and by doing so I am learning a lot and coming closer to Him as well. I also found a the music video for the youth theme song that I shared last week. Even if you listened to the song last week I think that the music video bring a whole new meaning to this song, and I encourage you to listen again. Music Video

I also wanted to let you all know that General Conference is coming up this next Saturday and Sunday. If you are unfamiliar with what this is, 6 months ago (Before our last conference) I wrote a whole post about it and you should check it out!) I wanted to remind you guys that General Conference can and will be an amazing blessing in your life if you let it. You should prepare now to hear the words of the living Prophet and other leaders in The Latter Day Saint Church. You can learn so much from them. I know that 8 (10 for guys) hours is a lot of listening, but I am encouraging you to listen to as much as you can. I know it will bring great blessings to you and those around you. Pray for others, especially the speakers, and even yourself to be able to listen with the spirit and learn what you need to learn. Don't let this amazing opportunity go to waste. You can watch Conference online at the Church Website. Sessions start on Saturday, April 5, 2014 at 10 am.

I know that this is the true church and you can receive great blessings from Coming Unto Christ. I know that the Lord loves us no matter what, and that even when we have gone astray, no matter how far we might have gone, we can always come back. It is never too late to come unto him. I love this church with all my heart. I know it's true.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


*Moroni is a book found in the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon is the book that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints use to teach from. It is the most correct and true of any book ever written. We use this book along with the King James version of the Bible. This verse reads:
32 Yea, acome unto Christ, and be bperfected in him, and cdenyyourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and dlove God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may beeperfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

To Any In Need of Hope

Come back unto Him. 
This morning as I was pondering what I could share with you this week I was looking through some Mormon Messages on . I came across one entitled: "Lifting Burdens: The Atonement Of Jesus Christ". At first I wasn't sure if this was the thing to share today, but as I continued to watch, I knew  I needed to post this video today. I just wanted to share with you all my testimony that I KNOW that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love each and every one of us. They knew before we came to earth that we would make mistakes. This is why we have to atonement, so that we can be forgiven and truly learn from our sins and become more like our Father in Heaven. I KNOW that they still love us. They never stop loving us. They just don't love the sin we committed. I know that they will always be there for us if we are willing to come unto them, which isn't easy all the time. I know that sometimes coming unto him means that we have to leave other things behind, but I guarantee that whatever you have to leave behind to come unto Him, is nothing compared to the happiness that you will feel and rejoice in. Nothing compares to the joy that Heavenly Father feels when you are willing to do the hard task of giving up your sin (giving up the world) to come unto him. I know that trying to repent on your own without the full help of the atonement is painful and difficult, and you will never truly be repented of your sins. I just want you all to know that you do NOT have to do it alone. That Heavenly Father loves you and wants to help you, you just need to show him that you are willing and you are really ready to go through the process with your whole heart and not just half way. I know you can do it. He knows you can do it, and he loves you still. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will open their arms to you and rejoice with you that you did hard things, and you came unto him. Don't give up. I know that this is the true gospel.
In the Name of Jesus Christ,


*Click here for the video: Lifting Burdens
**Also I think that this song:  Come Unto Christ is a good song to help you remember to Come Unto Christ.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Mountains to Climb

Don't forget angles are watching over you.
I'm going to start with a simple fact today. Life is hard. We all know it. There isn't anything we can do about it, or is there? Life will always be hard, but we defiantly don't have to face it alone. My friend shared with me a Mormon Message* that touched my heart and I wanted to share with all of you guys today. This video is about how we will face hardships, things we never expected, but how it doesn't have to be faced alone. This video reminds us that Christ is always willing to be there, that we have to have faith in him and let him in. We need to trust him. I know that in life we think we are strong enough to face things on our own, but the truth of the matter is: we can't. We need an "upward lift" from Heaven. Jesus Christ can provide us with that lift because he went through everything for us. He has felt every pain, every struggle, every heartache. HE knows your pain exactly, and so much more. He has been in the deepest darkest spot we can imagine. And to top it all off: he went through it completely and utterly alone. He did that for you, for me, for every person that has lived and ever will live, so that we never have to do it alone. He loves us that much. He loves us more than we can ever comprehend. This video reminds us to turn to him. It reminds us that prayer and faith are all we need. We can do hard things. Please don't give up. I know life isn't easy, but it is worth the fight. I know that each and every one of you can do it. He loves you. He is there, he is waiting for you. Come unto him. Trust him, have faith in him, and endure till the end. You can do it. I know you can. I know this is true. 
In the Name of Jesus Christ, 

*Click here to watch the Mormon Message: Mountains to Climb

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Just a Tought

You matter to him. He loves you!
This week has been an especially busy one for me. I am on choir tour and I have been non stop this whole week. I knew I would have free time today to take time to ponder the gospel and do my Sunday activities if I chose too. I went to church, and it was great but I wasn't sure that there was anything I learned there that I really felt inclined to share with all of you. I decided when I got home to look at this website always helps me feel the spirit and feel better when I am down and struggling. This week at tour has been an interesting one for me full of emotions I wasn't expecting. I wanted to share with you the video that touched my heart today and helped me remember that it is going to be okay that I can do hard things and my loving big brother, Jesus Christ, is always there and he loves me. This message reminded me what's most important. I hope it can help you too. It is very short and sweet and full of truth. I know that the church is true and that Heavenly Father knows and loves each and every one of us and he will always be there for us whenever we need him. Don't give up. I know this is the true gospel.
In the Name of Jesus Christ,

*Click here for video

Sunday, March 2, 2014

We Are His Hands

You are his hands. 
Today in Church I was listening to the testimonies of others and one member bore her testimony about doing the Lord's work. She shared something that I have never really thought of before, but it stuck out to me and made me think. She told of a talk that Elder Uchtdorf of the first presidency gave a talk about a statue of Christ that was damaged in WWII. After a bombing in WWII the statue was repaired but its hands were never the same. A sign was placed in front of the statue that read: "You are my hands." This is what struck me about this talk. I know that we are here to do the Lord's work, but I never really thought that we are literally his hands. Through us Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ do their work. I want you to watch his whole talk. While you watch I want you to think of this question: What am I doing with the Lord's hands?" Click Here  I know this is a longer talk, but I know that by learning of how we can better be his hands we will be blessed. With your hands you can do amazing things. With your hands you can touch others lives. I am going to ask you to really ponder this question: What are you doing with the Lord's hands? I know that with our hands we can change lives. With our hands we can make a difference. With our hands we can bring to pass the work of the Savior. I know we can do amazing things with our hands. I encourage you to choose to do the Lord's work with the hands he has blessed you with. I know that this is the true gospel. I know that we can return to live with our Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ again someday. I know they know us and love us. We are important to them and they will always be there for us. Never give up. I love you all. I know this true.
In the name of Jesus Christ,
